Doctor admits "we were all wrong" about COVID mandates
By ethanh // 2022-03-09
An emergency physician by the name of Dr. Joseph Fraiman is speaking out about the fact that just like many others in his field, he was deceived by the prevailing plandemic narrative. Early on, Fraiman said during a recent Zoom call with proponents of the Great Barrington Declaration, it seemed like everyone just fell in line with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) fearmongering because of all the rhetoric about "saving lives." The world was told that staying locked down and masked at all times – and later getting "vaccinated" – were the only ways to get out of the crisis. Fraiman believed all that at the time. But his views have since changed. "These policies were harmful," Fraiman said. You can watch a clip of him speaking below: "Initially, it was irrelevant because there were lives on the line. I'm an emergency doctor – there are lives, we have to do it. But if the policies didn't really make a difference and only caused harm, then you really have to start rethinking what you're doing," Fraiman said.

Is it enough just to apologize?

Seeing the damage that was caused by these policies, Fraiman wants Americans and really everyone to think long and hard about whether or not we ever want to do something like this again in the event that another alleged pathogen emerges. "I think as a society we have to decide if we want to continue a public policy that is obviously producing large harm," Fraiman said. "Also, personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom, the proponents of the Barrington Declaration, because initially I did think you all were crazy, or dumb, or maybe you just didn't understand what I was seeing. But I now realize, actually – I'm sorry, because I believe now that you guys are correct, and you were correct from the beginning." Fraiman said he wishes that more people, including himself, have figured it all out sooner. But better late than never. "And I hope more people realize that soon enough," he added. The Great Barrington Declaration contains the signatures of many prominent doctors and other medical professionals, as well as scientists and researchers whose careers center around helping people. Co-authored by Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a professor and epidemiologist at Harvard University, and Dr. Sunetra Gupta, also a professor and epidemiologist from the University of Oxford, the document calls for all lockdowns to end. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor and epidemiologist from Stanford University, is also a co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration. "Everyone who told us the 'vaccine' was 'safe and effective' needs to be indicted and tried in a court of law," wrote someone in response to the video of Fraiman speaking. "Plainly, we were lied to, and all those who refused the jab and lost their jobs as a result should be re-instated with full pay." Another person suggested that Fraiman might just be trying to save himself from execution now that the truth is coming out. "They cannot get a pass on this," said someone else. "It is their job to research and do no harm." "How convenient," wrote another. "Let's be honest: you were looking out for yourself. You weren't going to risk losing your license. So you knowingly administered a jab you knew had significant question marks. That is criminal." More of the latest about people's shifting plandemic viewpoints can be found at Sources include: