CAP President and CEO John Podesta led the delegation, which included Senator Thomas Daschle (D-SD), Ambassador Wendy Sherman, CAP Senior Vice President for National Security and International Policy Rudy deLeon, SEIU President Andy Stern, MIT Professor John Deutch, Chairman of Pritzker Realty Group Penny Pritzker, Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti, Blue Engine Message and Media President Erik Smith, and Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission member Byron Georgiou. President of Fontheim International, LLC Claude Fontheim and CAP staffers Julian Wong, Sarah Miller, and Winny Chen were also in attendance to provide support for the trip.
“The delegation met with officials and held a series of in-depth discussion sessions with renowned Chinese academics, businesspersons, religious leaders, and policy advisors on issues at the forefront U.S.-China relations, including climate change, economics, and national security,” a summary adds. CUSEF boasted about the event in its 2009 promotional brochure, describing “discussion sessions” that focused on “geopolitical cooperation” and “military-to-military collaboration.” And delegation lead John Podesta emphasized that “both countries now must exhibit commitment and determination to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship for the future." Daschle is pictured in a CUSEF brochure with Commerce Minister Chen Deming. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="581"]Investigation proves Hunter Biden FUNDED the biolabs in Ukraine
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