Revealed: China-owned Forbes fired a top transparency columnist after a pressure campaign from Fauci's NIH
Long-time transparency advocate
Adam Andrzejewski had his 8-year-long
Forbes column cancelled after pressure exerted by the U.S.
government, specifically Tony
Fauci’s National Institutes of
Health (
NIH), the National Pulse can reveal.
(Article by
Raheem J. Kassam republished from
Andrzejewski – the CEO and Founder of – relayed the story in
his new Substack column following the termination from Forbes.
After taking umbrage with a number of his Fauci-focused columns, including bombshell revelations about the Fauci household finances, Andrzejewski recalls:
“Two directors, two bureau chiefs, and two top PR officers didn’t send an email to the Forbes’ chief on a Sunday morning because they wanted to correct the record about Fauci’s travel reimbursements. They sent that email to subliminally send a message: We don’t like Andrzejewski’s
oversight work, and we want you to do something about it. Unfortunately, Forbes folded quickly.”
An e-mail from Forbes Executive Editor Caroline Howard to Andrzejewski dated January 15th 2022 began: “I see this is your third article on Fauci in 3 weeks. Huh.” Howard then went on to accuse Andrzejewski of advocacy, rather than journalism.

Just one day later, two NIH directors, two bureau chiefs, and two top PR officers – all government employees – heaped pressure on Forbes. Their claim was that Fauci never “collected” monetary gifts but rather took the face value of tickets for the same amount Andrzejewski had reported. In other words: a distinction without a difference.
But Forbes, as Andrzejewski says, caved quickly:
Within 24 hours of the NIH email to Randall Lane, my regular Forbes editor called and announced new rules. Forbes barred me from writing about Fauci and mandated pre-approval for all future topics.
Then, Forbes went silent and terminated my column roughly 10 days later on January 28.
On the day Forbes cancelled me, the editors bent the knee. A new piece on Fauci published: “
Fauci’s Portrait Will Soon Hang In The Smithsonian.”
Of course, the article was designated an Editors’ Pick.
Forbes was taken over by a Chinese firm in 2014. Even the
Washington Post wrote of the situation:
In 2014, a Hong Kong-based
investment group called Integrated Whale
Media purchased a majority stake in Forbes Media, one of the
United States’ best-known media companies. It’s hard to demonstrate causality in such cases. But since that purchase, there have been several instances of editorial meddling on stories involving
China that raise questions about Forbes magazine’s commitment to editorial independence.
On Oct. 9, longtime China commentator and Communist Party critic Gordon Chang received an email from Avik S.A. Roy, the opinion editor at Forbes. “Due to a wide-ranging reorganization of Forbes’ content,” Roy wrote, “we are going to be concluding our official relationship with you.” Roy added, “As a result of the organization, the articles you’ve written for us will no longer be stored on the Forbes server nor appear at,” according to the email Chang forwarded to me at my request.
Post went on to
list a number of other conflicts, before concluding with the words of Ray Kwong, a senior adviser at the
University of Southern California’s China Institute
who was a Forbes blogger until 2013. Kwong simply stated: “Coverage of China in Forbes these days, he said, “is disheartening and lame.”
Between the National Institutes of Health and the
Chinese Communist Party, it appears Forbes is now purely interested in elite merger
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