Modern-day Christian persecution: Son, family rally behind persecuted Canadian pastor
By kevinhughes // 2022-03-14
Nathaniel Pawlowski, the son of Polish-Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski, said he and his family are holding and standing strong for his father who was arrested and put in solitary confinement. Pastor Pawlowski of the Cave of Adullam Church and Street Church in Calgary, Alberta, was arrested in his home last February 8 as he was about to leave for a church service at a border blockade organized by truckers protesting vaccine mandates and provincial leadership in Milk River, Alberta. (Related: Trudeau's government throws pastor Artur Pawlowski in solitary confinement for violating covid "safety" protocols) "We are holding strong. We are standing strong. My mom is actually on her 11th or 12th day of fasting. So my dad went 14 days without any food. And then my mom took over the fast after he needed to start eating. So my mom's on her 11th or 12th day of fasting. So she's standing strong," Pawlowski said during an interview with the New American contributor Annalisa Pesek. "We were praying a lot. We were actually in front of the jail every single day with a group of people ranging from 30 to a couple hundred. So every day we're there in the evening and on Saturdays at four, protesting and doing a prayer vigil. We have speakers, we play music, we pray, we anoint the place, blow trumpets." Pawlowski said every single day a group of people were putting pressure on the prison to treat his father like a human being since the conditions for him were significantly worse compared to the other inmates. "So I grew up watching this. I've been sort of trained in this. So I'm standing strong, I know we [will] win in the end. We're on the right side of history. We're on the side of God, we have God on our side. He's with us and we're not gonna back down," Pawlowski stated.

Ardent critic of Trudeau administration's COVID restrictions

Pastor Pawlowski has been outspoken and bold in his criticism of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's administration concerning the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions in Alberta. He is now in jail at the Calgary Remand Center. Pesek noted that the Canadian government has used people like Pastor Pawlowski as a human pawn to show Canadians what happens to those who defy its authority. The New American contributor also mentioned that Nathaniel's uncle and Pastor Artur's brother, Dawid Pawlowski, was arrested last March 2. "My uncle was arrested for a charge that is yet unknown because at first they said it was a breach of probation orders. Then they said it was breach of a contempt of court. And at the end of the day, the lawyers and the judge had no idea what the actual charge was," the younger Pawlowski related. "So he was like, go on bail that same night. But it's like they're making stuff up just because they, the government, has a hatred for my family, for my dad, for my uncle because they are the most vocal opposition in this country." He recalled that more than 15 years ago, his father was first arrested for publicly reading the Bible in a public park. Since that point Pastor Pawlowski has been subjected to ongoing persecution for years. "This is his 15th arrest, all for doing his job as a pastor, for reading the Bible, for keeping his church open, for feeding the poor. He's been arrested several times for feeding the poor. He's been arrested several times for praying. Like, at what point do people realize that we do not live in a free and democratic society anymore?" Pawlowski said. "We have been taken over by a totalitarian regime that opposes and is very adamantly against Christianity and my dad has been very vocal about his opposition to this. He grew up behind the Iron Curtain, grew up in communism. He saw the fall of communism in Poland, he escaped communism." Watch the video below to know more about Pastor Artur Pawlowski's persecution. This video is from the The New American channel on

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