Democracy is at its roots a very simple idea, but has been inflated with so many attachments and various nuances and misinformed garbage it is an almost unrecognizable term anymore. According to the standard Miriam-Webster definition, democracy is “government by the people especially: rule of the majority” with this extended citation; “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections”. OK, so they added portions of the definition of a *republic to the definition of a democracy (“exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation”) where a republic is defined as “a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law” and both have the added element that “absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges” and “a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president” which are not quite the same thing, but allude to the same idea in that arbitrary elite class hereditary dictators are specifically not included. So it seems the left claims that we are a Democracy are not quite correct. We are, in fact, what should be termed a Constitutional Republic using the republic definition of “supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law” where that law is our God given Constitution. Yes, we have elected by the popular vote representatives as the primary power element given to the population that is eligible to vote according to constitutional law, but the current implementation thereof is being grossly twisted in this current day.
Our governing law as given in the Declaration of Independence, which is the base element of our Constitution, the reason that it even exists, states “That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed” with those rights spoken of being “all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” with the argument that originally ‘pursuit of happiness was specified as the Pursuit of Property with property being that which can provide yourself and your family with the necessities of life generally referencing land to make it so. It is also very clear that we claim we are endowed by our CREATOR with those inalienable rights, and those men responsible for our Constitution have all stated (yes, even those who later claimed to be “deists” and other forms of religious flakery) that the Creator referred to is Jesus Christ and not some random other worshipped being nor of man himself. So yes, we are given democratic power over those who are supposed to be caring for our God given Liberty and our God given Law. But we are NOT a “democracy” as that simply means rule by the majority; or as that defaults to, rule of the strongest because a true democracy always ends up as a dictatorial nightmare. I will state here and now that that is just what I see this nation as being at this point; a dictatorial nightmare. No, it is not supposed to be one, but because of the push to make our once great Constitutional Republic a ‘democracy’ we are being led down that often tread path of tyrannical slavery by those elected to keep us safe from just exactly that.
It seems every time that the enemies of our liberty do something that destroys our God given rights, it is because of “democracy” or some jumbled distortion of that claimed object. Just about any communist dictatorship claims to be a democracy or a republic, and none of them in fact are. They – oh, perhaps we should also include ourselves in this, are run by tyrants that have “hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges” which is in direct opposition to the definition of one. This fact is proven by the many long term officials in our government with many spending their whole lives in power and their children flowing in their footsteps, like Alex Soros and the various Rothschild’s (think Synagogue of Satan) in many sectors and the Bush dynasty of evil and Junior Kerry and Junior Pelosi and junior so and so and so forth. We do have limits of the service terms available in our Presidential office, but there needs to be limits in all of the other offices held by elected and non-elected officials. And because they rotate from office to agency to office and back, that also means that YES, I do mean appointed and hired dictators also need term limits which include all of the Bureaus, Agencies and Departments that infest this nation. Most should be done away with entirely and the few remaining should be drastically reduced in size and power as they do nothing but absorb our wealth and destroy our Liberty. I would go so far as to define government employment as a state of being on welfare and not as an honorable occupation. They are the definition of the “deep state” while those that work beneath the covers of secret societies to destroy this nation are defined as the “dark state” while there are many that actually comprise both at the same time. This indicates far more than the rule of criminal gangs and mafia style families and secret societies as seen in the more widely known examples, like the current First family and friends, but goes much deeper because they are only the tip of the evil that infests our government. One could state that they are only the popular face of that evil.
Let’s take a look at one example to try to get a better understanding of what I am getting at. The Chestertown Spy article three years ago titled “The Squad Is Democracy at Work by J.E. Dean” said “The Squad has come to the national stage at a time when, despite the election of Trump, democracy seems to be working, or at least working in some locales….Simply put, The Squad are heroes of democracy….”. So some radical left wing nut loves the squad and their “democracy” it appears, and seemingly because they also do not like “Orange Man Bad” as he so clearly opined he does not faint at the sight of those hags. He stated that “We all know AOC, author of the outline for the Green New Deal and an openly acknowledged Democratic Socialist. Then there is Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, widely quoted, and even reprimanded by her own Democratic colleagues in the House for her comments on Israel, 9/11 and other things. The other two are less well known but for their association with the other two. These two, Representatives Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, have also engaged in comments, or embraced policies, deemed unpatriotic and even treasonous by our President.” We already know who they are, so let’s cover a bit more about them and “democracy”.
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