"Biden froze new drilling permits and stopped leases on federal lands. Because the court ruled they couldn't use an elevated social cost of carbon to make it more difficult to drill. The opposition to domestic energy production isn't new. When Biden first took office, he moved to ban new oil and gas leases on federal land," Holden tweeted. Other facts he listed included taking bold steps to limit fossil fuel production, shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline on his first day of office and more. The Biden administration has always been focused on the fight for the climate. As Smith put it, the globalist concept of fighting for the climate is: "Save the Earth, kill yourself." To save the Earth, it has to lose around three-fourths of the human population. That's what globalists think. Interestingly, gas prices play an essential role in the Great Reset agenda. As gas prices continue to skyrocket at an alarming rate, people around the world are debating who's to blame. "But what if the issue is not negligence or stupidity on behalf of politicians and corporations for decades?" Smith said. An InfoWars article stated: "The global elite have planned on phasing out gas vehicles to make way for electric automobiles they've selected as the way of the future. Contrary to the establishment narrative, the agenda isn't even meant to create a more environmentally friendly way of transportation."?THREAD?
President Biden recently said “it’s simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production.” I figure the fact checkers likely won’t touch this one, so I did the homework. Biden’s claim isn’t true. I explain. ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/dLfbeP7WFt — Drew Holden (@DrewHolden360) March 10, 2022
World Economic Forum and Soros rally behind Ukraine: Delete connection to Putin (Video).
Globalists need war to enforce the "Great Reset."
Alex Jones: War in Ukraine advances the GREAT RESET desired by globalists.
Sources include: Brighteon.com Twitter.com InfoWars.comBy Lance D Johnson // Share
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