Scott Kesterson: War in Ukraine framed by media, emotions around it generated by deep programming – Brighteon.TV
By nolanbarton // 2022-03-15
"BardsFM" host Scott Kesterson believes the war in Ukraine is mainly created by the media while the emotions around it are mostly generated by deep programming. "This action that Russia took in Ukraine was manipulated by our media. They have used every trick in the book setting up production facilities on the ground in Kyiv to create scenes that don't exist," Kesterson said during the March 10 episode of BardsFM on Brighteon.TV. "They've been using a digitally developed CGI footage to make things look like fighter jets over the city. We've been seeing AI- and CGI-developed images to make it look like bombings happened when they didn't happen." But the Ukraine crisis has also revealed something more important, according to Kesterson. "People have been deeply programmed over the years. And the programming is such that it doesn't take much to trigger people to go blind on what's actually happening and refocus their eyes and their emotions toward events," he said. "Ukraine doesn't make sense. Go fight for Ukraine; go give your life for a foreign country you don't know anything about. This is a sort of nonsense. It's happening because there is deep programming within people that has come about from years of media and film, and all of this nonsense that happens in these types of audio and visual programming coming out of the narrative capitals of Hollywood and mainstream media." Kesterson didn't have to go far to find another example. "We saw this similar test run with the toilet paper action. But something happened during that toilet paper scare if you remember. There is panic, where people literally begin to hoard toilet paper. My theory on that is there was a trigger set off in people to see how deeply programmed they were for a certain event. That was kind of their test run before they launched into the vaccine piece, and before they continued with more severe lockdowns." That makes sense in the context of a global operation to control people. (Related: Coronavirus blues: If people are panicking over toilet paper, what will they do when the FOOD runs out?) "We can see the effects of it when people literally lost their damn mind over toilet paper. But we see it again now when people literally lost their mind over Ukraine," Kesterson said. "So these are things that you just have to start realizing if you haven't already. We're being so effectively played by our media and our government, who was 100 percent lying to us on every aspect."

US government lied about bioweapons labs in Ukraine

Just last week, the Biden administration had been caught lying about the bioweapons labs in Ukraine. (Related: US violated UN treaties on biological weapons by funding bioweapons labs in Ukraine.) After repeatedly denying the presence of biological laboratories in Ukraine, the U.S. government has finally admitted that such facilities exist. On March 8, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland testified before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that "Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of." "So we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach," she told lawmakers. Perhaps realizing that Nuland essentially admitted there were bioweapons in Ukrainian labs, a spokesperson for the Department of State immediately made some clarifications. "Under Secretary Nuland was referring to Ukrainian diagnostic and biodefense laboratories during her testimony, which are not biological weapons facilities," the spokesperson said. "These institutions counter biological threats throughout the country. Throughout this crisis, Russia has baselessly alleged it is under threat – including from Ukraine and from NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization], and has alleged Ukraine plans to use chemical and biological weapons. Neither the United States nor NATO has any desire or intention for conflict with Russia." Kesterson isn't buying it. He believes those labs are for bioweapons research, noting that the Russians have evidence to prove it. On March 10, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that the Pentagon-funded biological labs located in Ukraine were conducting experiments with bat coronavirus samples. "According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of carrying African swine fever and anthrax", chief spokesman for the Defense Ministry Major General Igor Konashenkov said. In addition, the facilities were studying the possible spread of pathogens via wild birds, migrating between Russia, Ukraine and other countries in the region. "So this is a question that we have to ask ourselves very candidly," Kesterson said. "Why are we involved in bioweapons research across the globe?" Follow for more news related to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Watch the full March 10 episode of "BardsFM" below. Catch new episodes of the program every Thursday at 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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