There is also this: Even before Russian troops stormed across Ukraine's border, there were already global food shortages, thanks in large part to the supply chain crisis created (and perpetuated) by months-long lockdowns and factory closures following China's creation and release of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). In addition to Russia curbing exports, Ukraine's government has also halted food exports to ensure that its people have enough as Russian forces continue pounding their cities and taking over land used for food production. All said, the United Nations has warned that prices for food – which were already at record highs – will spike even more, from eight to 20 percent from this point on. Add on skyrocketing oil, gasoline and natural gas prices and you have all the makings of a worldwide catastrophe (and the massive unrest it will spark). If Russia winds up banning food experts, and especially wheat, for months or longer, the global food shortages will likely lead to a far worse crisis than the one that caused the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings, tore Syria apart and spread to North Africa. Sources include: NewsTarget.comConvo with farm today: - Meat processors booked out a year because stockpiling beef. - Farmers in South can’t get fertilizer for crops now. - Farmers in Midwest are switching, can’t get nitrogen nor fertilizer. Buckle up, folks! The media isn’t even warning you. #economy
— Douglas Karr (@douglaskarr) March 11, 2022
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