Desperate Biden administration enlists clueless TikTok stars to blame inflation on Putin
By isabelle // 2022-03-18
As the president’s approval ratings continue to plummet, the Biden Administration has turned to TikTok influencers to try to pin the blame for all of America’s current woes, especially inflation and gas prices, on Russian President Vladimir Putin. The White House recently held a briefing via Zoom for a few dozen popular social media influencers during which they were instructed to spread lies about inflation, which many of these young people apparently don’t realize was a serious issue for many months before Russia invaded Ukraine. One such influencer is Ellie Zeiler, an 18-year-old with more than 10 million followers. She posted a video following the White House Zoom briefing in which she can be seen wearing caked-on makeup and a skintight shirt trying to convince her gullible followers that Biden had nothing to do with our country’s current economic woes. She began by asking: “Why is gas so expensive, and why is the United States inflation rate at a four-time decade high?” The answer to both questions, according to the teen, is Putin. She said: “Russia is one of the top three producers of oil and it is actually their No. 1 revenue source. Now, with Putin starting this horrific fight between Ukraine and Russia, nobody wants to work with him and do international trade.” It's not surprising that the Biden Administration is acting so desperately to shift the blame away from their own policies and the negative effect they have had on the economy. We recently learned that inflation has registered its highest jump in 40 years, rising by 7.9 percent year on year. At the same time, the cost of living continues to climb, and the latest reporting period closed just four days after Putin had invaded Ukraine – meaning that America was already headed toward a serious economic crisis without Putin’s help. The briefing was led by White House National Security Council Special Adviser for Communications Matt Miller and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. During the meeting, Psaki was quoted as saying: “It's his actions, President Putin, that is prompting the rising gas prices. That is what is happening.” The delusional Zeiler told the Washington Post that she felt it was an honor to explain complex situations to young people and said that she considers herself is a “White House correspondent for Generation Z” – a very creative take on the situation given that most of her TikTok content is about dancing, pulling pranks on family members, makeup and vacations.

Biden’s White House using Russian propaganda tactics

The White House’s move is a similar tactic to one seen in Russia, where TikTok influencers were paid to post videos that push pro-Kremlin narratives about the attack on Ukraine and share propaganda from Moscow. Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard recently suggested on Fox News that the way the White House is delivering its message is not too different from the way that the Kremlin has been spreading misinformation. She said: "This is why we're seeing not only still most of the mainstream media very vigorously defending and pushing the Biden propaganda. "It's not enough, they're going to YouTubers, they're going to TikTok. It's not enough that they also have Google and Big Tech basically working for them and with them to control what information we see and what information we don't see." Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) also voiced his concerns about the propaganda, stating: “It's bad enough that he's going around begging dictators to give us oil because he won't allow Americans to produce our own energy. But now he's going to actual teenagers and begging them on a Chinese-owned social media app to do his job. I mean, I've never seen anything like this. You cannot make this stuff up.” Sources for this article include: