Atty. Tom Renz to sue Big Pharma, hospitals for harmful COVID-19 treatments
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-03-22
Ohio lawyer Thomas Renz is planning to sue Big Pharma for all the harms they have caused the public from their suggested treatments for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to their experimental injections. Renz, who previously appeared at the "Second Opinion" panel with Senator Ron Johnson, posted on his website a special notice regarding evidentiary findings related to the COVID-19 investigation. The findings revealed that there are terrible side effects of the mRNA vaccines, which he discussed on the March 17 episode of "The War Room" with host Kristi Leigh. The overview documents, which were presented at Food and Drug Administration (FDA) meetings and other such things, acknowledged that 71 percent of new cases, as well as 60 percent of hospitalizations, are in the fully vaccinated. The document came out at a time when Anthony Fauci was on record, saying 99 percent of the hospitalized cases are unvaccinated. Fauci was outright lying. (Related: Attorney Tom Renz issues special notice regarding Pentagon vaccine data, corruption.) "This is one of the biggest cover-ups in American history. And the result is going to be millions of deaths," Renz said. "If you think this through, these jabs train your body to continually release the spike protein. The spike protein is what's doing the damage from COVID. So if your body's going to continually do that, it would make sense that the people most at risk from COVID would also be most at risk from the side effects of this jab. The documents presented were Medicare numbers, so they represent people in the 65-year-old and above category – a high-risk group of people more likely to get sick after getting the vaccine.

Patients overtreated to death

Renz is not the only one who believes the protocols and vaccines were problematic. Many surmised that something truly unthinkable is happening in American hospitals as COVID-19 patients continue to get killed by inappropriate medical protocols. These patients, especially early in the pandemic, have been refused basic drugs like antibiotics and even denied basic nutrition and fluids. Instead, they are overrated with dangerous and ineffective therapies like remdesivir, narcotics and even mechanical ventilation that when combined ultimately result in deaths. Doctors understand the importance of early and appropriate treatment, but they had been perplexed and horrified at how the pandemic is being handled. There had also been cases where patients have been put in COVID standard care even though they arrived at the hospital with different symptoms. They were denied release and held as prisoners in the hospital, and were even refused the right to deny treatment. However, they were forced to accept do-not-resuscitate orders that they don't want, and are being given potent drug cocktails that include sedatives like morphine, fentanyl and midazolam. (Related: Tom Renz slams Pentagon for HIDING vaccine injury data – Brighteon.TV.) Because of these reports of maltreatment, Renz and his medical advisory team called the COVID Care Strategy Team are out to help families liberate their loved ones from hospitals where they are being held without their consent. The ethics of hospital administrators and doctors remain questionable, especially considering that hospitals are receiving massive incentives to over-treat these COVID patients. In simple terms, they each have what amounts to be around $100,000 bounty on their heads. Hospitals are said to receive bonus payments for COVID testing and diagnoses up to 20 percent of the top standard cost for the treatment of every patient. They are also given bonuses for the admission of COVID patients and the use of remdesivir, as well as the use of mechanical ventilation, which whistleblowers claim kill 84.9 percent of COVID patients in as few as 96 hours. Renz noted that hospitals are raking in at least $100,000 extra for each and every "COVID patient" that they have when they follow directives. Follow for updates about COVID-19. Watch the video below to know more about the unethical ways doctors and hospitals are treating patients with COVID. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

More related stories:

Tom Renz reveals the names of vaccine damage Pentagon whistleblowers during Johnson roundtable.

Tom Renz slams medical violence being committed against unvaccinated organ transplant patients – Brighteon.TV.

Thomas Renz: People behind COVID vaccines belong in jail.

Florida surgeon general: COVID vaccine risks OUTWEIGH benefits for healthy children.

Hospital homicide: Wisconsin medical facility REFUSED to revive patient despite instructions to do so.

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