For those who doubt that this is a long-running Western conspiracy to control the planet, consider a few things, the first being the fact that the phrase has not changed in more than 30 years. Also, there are questions that need to be asked about this specific phrase: – What is a new world order? What exactly does it mean? What does it entail? – What is the old world order the new world order is meant to sweep away and replace? – Who will lead the new world order? Who is leading the old world order? – Would our founders approve of a global order of nations or would they insist upon jealously guarding American sovereignty? (We know the answer; George Washington himself said our country ought to avoid "entangling alliances," which we haven't done very well.) – What rules will govern this new world order, and who decides on those rules – the rulers or those they mean to rule? Will it be a system based on the U.S. Constitution? Will there be guaranteed rights protected by this world order governing body? – Will the world order governing body be elected? By whom? Who can and cannot vote in elections for the new world order leaders? – Will citizens of nations be forced to give up their wealth in order to share it with others? Will property rights still exist? – And finally, will there be a functional, realistic way to hold new world order leaders accountable for wrongdoing, tyrannical ways, or corruption? We likely already know the answers to many of these questions, so that leaves this as the only real option: Countries should remain sovereign, free, and able to self-govern according to the wishes of their citizens, period. But thanks to Biden once again letting the cat out of the bag, we know what's really coming. Sources include: NaturalNews.comBIDEN: "There's going to be a new world order out there, and we've got to lead it." — Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 21, 2022
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