Young associate medical director – the “Dr. Fauci” of Louisville, Kentucky – dies suddenly and unexpectedly
By ljdevon // 2022-03-23
The medical community in Louisville, Kentucky was shocked to find out that one of their own, Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on March 17. The medical community and the media refuse to ask questions about her death. Why did the lockdown-loving, mask-wearing, triple-vaxxed doctor not survive the "winter of death" that was supposed to plague the unvaccinated? Why did the young, fully boosted medical doctor suddenly die without reason? Instead, the community used her death to promote the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. "We are stunned and deeply saddened by the sudden and unexpected passing of Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage," said Dr. Sarah Moyer, Department of Public Health and Wellness director. "As a result of her leadership, knowledge and planning, thousands of our Louisville residents received life-saving COVID-19 vaccines."

Kentucky medical community grieves loss of most staunch vaccine propagandist

As the associate medical director for the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness, Hartlage was on the front lines of the COVID-19 response, carrying out Dr. Anthony Fauci's orders with dutiful allegiance. Hartlage was formerly an assistant professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Louisville. Because Hartlage was willing to promote government propaganda about COVID-19 vaccines and lock downs, she quickly rose to fame in 2020 as the associated medical director for the city of Louisville. In her puppet role, she often spoke during the city's weekly COVID-19 updates, only to promote vaccine/mask mandates and civil liberty restrictions. Not once did she speak up about natural immunity, treatment options, the medical fraud used to diagnose COVID-19 or the inhumane policies of subjugation that separated families and unlawfully detained people in their homes. Not once did she provide informed consent about hospital protocol and the issues with the COVID-19 vaccines. She took the government funds and the pharmaceutical propaganda and dutifully advertised the LouVax initiatives. She made sure to coerce as many people as possible to get inoculated with spike protein mRNA, holding the city hostage until mass compliance was attained. When she addressed the city, she was quick to advertise new COVID-19 variants to scare the public into taking vaccines that ultimately enhanced outbreaks, hospitalizations and deaths throughout 2021. She supported mandates and the loss of body autonomy rights.

Dishonest medical community uses doctor’s death to promote vaccines (that the deceased doctor took religiously)

But none of her actions seem to matter because the medical community views her as a hero, and wants to remember her passing as martyrdom. This arrogance is why the American Medical System is the third leading cause of death and played a major role in the hospital fatality rate during the COVID-19 scandal. These doctors are not honest about the mistakes they have made. They are not held accountable for deaths caused by medical fraud and malpractice because their insurance pays to keep families quiet. They are not held accountable even when vaccine failures are obvious, when people are acutely injured and disabled by vaccines. Even though Hartlage was a leading voice in the Louisville medical community, none of her colleagues dared to look into her death and understand what caused her to pass away so suddenly at the age of 36. Instead, the mayor touted her actions over the past two years as "inspirational" while praising her for "leading the city of Louisville through the coronavirus pandemic, especially with the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines." It seems she was used. If doctors cannot be honest about the blood clots, immune depletion, cardiovascular disorders and stroke risk from these shots, then they cannot be trusted at all. Brushing the cause of their young colleague's death under the rug is NOT  how medicine or science progresses in a compassionate or humane manner. Praising the very thing (the vaccines) that could have been implicated in her death is sadistic, to say the least. Sources include: