Australia's COVID Medical Network: Aussie regulators, health officials LIED about COVID vaccines
By ramontomeydw // 2022-03-25
A group of doctors and other medical professionals has accused Australian regulators and health officials of deliberately lying to people about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Members of Australia's COVID Medical Network (CMN) made the accusation in a March 8, 2022 letter addressed to several officials of the Australian Department of Health and the Australian Therapeutics Advisory Group on Immunization. Officials from the country's medicine regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), were also included in CMN's letter. The letter alleged that the TGA failed to investigate the long-term safety risks of the COVID-19 vaccines, eventually leading to vaccine fatalities throughout the country. "Australians likely to have died as a consequence of receiving a COVID-19 [vaccine] appear to number somewhere between 2,275 and 6,501. [This] likely means that more have died from COVID-19 vaccines than from COVID-19 illness." CMN also warned against continual vaccine boosters, something that Australian state leaders have been pushing. "From a modern immunological perspective, too frequent vaccinations for respiratory viruses runs the risk of desensitizing the immune response to the virus, and thus lead to hypo-immunity and worse illness," it wrote. "The safety signals presented by the data in this letter are of such grave concern that the normal decision would be to immediately halt the use of gene-based vaccines to the Australian public. In view of all the data presented [in the letter], we request that you immediately withdraw any information saying these gene-based vaccines are 'safe'; withdraw the gene-based vaccines' availability to the general public [and] absolutely halt the rollout of gene-based vaccines to Australian children as a matter of urgency." The March 8 letter served to follow up an Australian Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request sent to the TGA regarding "micro-RNA sequences and related genetic issues" and "reproductive toxicology issues."

"Follow the science" now means "do what we say"

Reignite Democracy Australia Founder Monica Smit wrote in a LifeSiteNews op-ed: "When Australia's health bureaucrats and politicians declared that the "vaccines" were safe, they were engaging in deliberate deception. They could not possibly have known that, and their deceit is now clear." She noted that CMN "is bravely trying to get Australian medical authorities to finally do their jobs properly," but added that the group is "unlikely to get far." "People who deceive rarely respond well when exposed. It is human nature, when caught out, to obfuscate – so it's no surprise that the documents are heavily redacted. This in itself arouses suspicion; if the assessment processes were sound, why is information being hidden? And what gives public servants the right to conceal information from the public?" CMN remarked in the March 8 letter: "The phrase 'following the science' means following the data as it comes to hand. Therefore, science is about changing hypotheses, theories and concluding in line with changing data. In contrast, human societies – including scientific groups – are prone to adhering to dominant 'narratives' once they have been formed. A 'groupthink' can emerge that, once established, can be hard to shake off." (Related: Australia's draconian COVID lockdowns never 'followed the science.' Here's proof.) The group lamented that Australians are living "in an environment now driven by public health institutions and their officers, extolling politicized and compromised information – at the expense of truth, any respect for informed consent, let along respecting the once sacred, honored and inviolable doctor-patient relationship." "Governments at all levels … and other relevant agencies must cease denying Australians their basic human rights. Australians must receive full information in order to make consent decisions related to their bodily autonomy free of financial, career and political pressure. Clinicians must have their right to open scientific discourse and to impart their best medical options to their patients restored to them," CMN concluded its letter. Watch Del Bigtree talking about vaccine adverse events in Australia with his guests on "The HighWire" below. This video is from the Joseph Jenkins channel on

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