US COVID deaths breach 1M mark; one way or another Fauci had a hand in every single one of them
By arseniotoledo // 2022-03-25
Records show that over one million people in the United States have died from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Every single one of these deaths can be attributed to White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci. The U.S. is estimated to have breached the one million COVID-19 deaths mark on Wednesday evening, March 23. This is according to data from statistics website Worldometers, which, as of press time, claims that the U.S. has 1.002 million COVID-19 deaths. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has yet to confirm this, as it only updates its "official" COVID-19 data every two weeks. The agency's data tracker website still shows deaths in the U.S. at around 972,000. If current trends hold, the U.S. death toll due to COVID-19 will be over 1.2 million by the end of April. This catastrophic loss of life should not be discounted. In two years, more Americans have died from COVID-19 than from every war fought by the United States since the 20th century combined, including World War II. On average, nearly 3,000 Americans die from the coronavirus every two days, more than the 2,977 people killed in 9/11. One out of every 100 people above the age of 65 has died due to COVID-19. Over 200,000 children have lost a parent or primary caregiver. The broader societal impacts of this pandemic are yet to be properly grasped.

Fauci is responsible for at least 400,000 "official" COVID-19 deaths

According to journalist Ben Armstrong of The New American, Fauci should be held responsible for nearly half of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the United States. He's being too kind. Armstrong based his conclusions on an investigation conducted by Edward Dowd, hedge fund expert and former equity portfolio manager for investment firm BlackRock. "It's either stupidity or a plan," said Dowd during an interview. "But in the first year of the pandemic, we prevented early treatment and we put people on intubators and lots of people died. There's been estimates that 400,000 people didn't need to die in year one if there was early prevention and if you didn't intubate people." Fauci, as the chief medical advisor to the White House and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has a lot of influence over COVID-19 protocol and can be held responsible for pushing for hospital policies that have led to more deaths due to the coronavirus. Some of these policies include putting severe COVID-19 patients on ventilators and giving them the toxic drug remdesivir. (Related: Dr. Bryan Ardis: Fauci knows remdesivir is KILLING PEOPLE.) Armstrong pointed out that remdesivir is one of only a handful of drugs approved by the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration for treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients, and that many doctors all over the country protested its use. Without remdesivir, Armstrong said, COVID-19 patients in hospitals only have to worry about their lungs and breathing. But with remdesivir, their kidneys have become a concern as the drug could cause kidney problems as proven by multiple studies. Once the kidneys and other organs of COVID-19 patients begin shutting down, hospitals place them on ventilators. "Who did all of that? Fauci did all of that," said Armstrong. "That's why I'm tracing those deaths to Fauci. That's Fauci's fault." Armstrong added that he could blame even more COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. to Fauci due to his role in helping fund gain-of-research function on coronaviruses in Wuhan, China. "Even though he denies it, we all know it's true," he said. And that's precisely the reason why every single COVID-19 death – not only in the U.S. but around the world – can be blamed on Fauci. He added that hundreds of thousands more American deaths should also be attributed to Fauci because he supported and promoted the use of the experimental and dangerous COVID-19 vaccines. "People chose to obey Fauci, the doctors chose to obey Fauci. They didn't have to, and Fauci is the reason [why] they should have never obeyed," said Armstrong. "Don't obey like a slave because you'll have catastrophic consequences." Watch this episode of the "Ben Armstrong Show" from The New American as host Ben Armstrong talks about how Fauci should be held responsible for the more than one million Americans who unnecessarily died during the COVID-19 pandemic. This video is from The New American channel on

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