Amazon money finds its way into Planned Parenthood coffers following massive donation by ex-wife of Jeff Bezos
By jdheyes // 2022-03-28
Hundreds of millions of dollars in 'Amazon money' have made its way to the coffers of Planned Parenthood, to finance the murder of countless unborn babies, compliments of founder Jeff Bezos' ex-wife. According to a Medium post, MacKenzie Scott donated a staggering $275 million to the national Planned Parenthood of America organization as well as 21 local affiliates. “We are incredibly grateful for Ms. Scott’s extraordinary philanthropic investment in Planned Parenthood, as a critical part of the public health infrastructure,” Planned Parenthood Chief Executive Alexis McGill Johnson said in a statement. “This funding will support our efforts to advance health equity by eliminating racial and structural barriers for our patients in the communities where Planned Parenthood works.” In her post, Scott wrote that since June, she has donated to "465 non-profits converting $3,863,125,000 into meaningful services for others." "Our team’s focus over these last nine months has included some new areas, but as always our aim has been to support the needs of underrepresented people from groups of all kinds. The cause of equity has no sides," she continued, noting that she plans to donate most of what she received from Bezos in the couple's divorce. In sum, she has donated more than $12 billion to nearly 1,200 organizations. "The increasing stridency of opinions in the news can be divisive. But lately I’ve heard something different in it. Turned up so loud, all I can notice is how similar it all sounds," her post notes. "The universal tendency to shout is an ironic reminder of how much we all have in common, as well as encouraging evidence that we have what we need to solve our shared problems. It’s as if the antidote is right there waiting in all that venom. We are all human. And we all have enormous energy to devote to helping and protecting those we love,” Scott added, hypocritically, given that she just donated to an organization that contributes to ending human lives. "Equity can only be realized when all people involved have an opportunity to help shape it. And even people who spend years learning about the same problem will disagree on the best approach. When our giving team focuses on any system in which people are struggling, we don’t assume that we, or any other single group, can know how to fix it," she continued. "We don’t advocate for particular policies or reforms. Instead, we seek a portfolio of organizations that supports the ability of all people to participate in solutions. This means a focus on the needs of those whose voices have been underrepresented. It also means including others within the system who want to help improve it, harnessing insights and engagement from every role," she noted further, appearing to miss the irony that one 'solution' she supports is ending pregnancies with death. More irony and hypocrisy followed: This belief in a diversity of voices also inspires our commitment to a vital category of leaders. The leadership of people directly experiencing inequities is essential, both because it is informed by insights no one else can contribute, and because it seeds power and opportunity within the community itself. ... Approximately 60% of the organizations listed below are led by women, and 75% by people with lived experience in the regions they support and the issues they seek to address. This liberal woman is like all other liberals -- the only 'diversity' in voices they support are degrees of differing opinions within their own left-wing ecosystem. And it's hard to believe she is serious about "diversity of voices" when she literally picked organizations that are mostly run by women and "people with lived experience." The fact is, anyone who donates to an organization sanctioned by our government that is allowed to kill unborn babies should have to watch an abortion first. We predict that nearly all donations to Planned Parenthood would stop. Otherwise, our culture of death will continue to spread until our civilization simply collapses. Sources include: