Biden approves billions for defending Ukraine's borders but refuses to finish building border wall for America
By jdheyes // 2022-03-28
One of the first executive orders Joe Biden signed after being installed as president was to cancel the border wall being built by the president who had his reelection stolen from him, Donald Trump. Though Trump had to fight federal courts and a Republican-controlled Congress to get the wall funded, he finally did and, before he was blocked from office, managed to get nearly 460 miles of fence built. Border Patrol agents were quick to point out that in sectors where the wall was built, illegal immigration slowed to a trickle. It also allowed them to focus more resources on sectors of the border that remained without a wall so that before the 2020 election was stolen, human- and drug-smuggling were at historic lows. All Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress needed to do was finish the wall, but instead, Biden and Democratic leaders decided to pander to their party's hard Marxist left. As such, today, there is historically high illegal immigration on the border with Mexico along with a massive influx of fentanyl that is killing tens of thousands of Americans annually. But after Russia invaded Ukraine, Biden and Democrats are now willing to spend a similar amount of money to defend that country's borders, which is beyond outrageous. As Breitbart News reports: On Wednesday, Biden announced more American taxpayer money would be going toward protecting Ukraine’s borders. Those funds will go to drones, grenade launchers, pistols, rifles, machine guns, shotguns, and ammunition, among other things. With the help of Republicans and Democrats in Congress, Biden is sending nearly $14 billion in aid to Ukraine in addition to about $350 million in military assistance. Biden had initially asked for about $10 billion to help Ukraine. On the U.S.-Mexico border, which remains porous, with skyrocketing illegal immigration, Biden has been opposed to continuing the construction of a border wall. During his 2020 campaign, Biden regularly railed against President Trump's border wall construction, which had run up costs of around $15 billion, or just a billion dollars more than Biden is now spending to defend Ukraine's sovereign borders -- a country that allows a battalion filled with neo-Nazis to serve in its military. "There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, number one" Biden vowed in August 2020. But then he went on to lie through his teeth. "I'm going to make sure that we have border protection, but it's going to be based on making sure that we use high-tech capacity to deal with it. And at the ports of entry — that's where all the bad stuff is happening," he told NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro during an interview with journalists from the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Biden has done no such thing; again, illegal immigration is at historic highs and all the 'high-tech' in the world won't prevent masses of third-world poor trekking to the U.S. when the rest of Biden's border policies call for welcoming them with open arms while neutering enforcement of immigration laws. What's worse, at one point the Biden regime was spending around $6 per day not to build the border wall. "By July [2021], Biden had spent $2 billion to not build the wall, with costs leveling out to about $3 million in taxpayer money wasted every day," Breitbart News noted in a separate report. "As Biden focuses attention on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the nation sees its own invasion where more than two million border crossers and illegal aliens arrived at the southern border last year — a record-setting figure of illegal immigration not seen before in American history," the report added. These Democrats are not stupid; they know what Biden's policies were meant to do. They're just willing to destroy our national boundaries to expand their political power. Sources include: