Woke mob targets actress Natasha Ward after her post calling for "conversation" about transgenders in women's sports
By ramontomeydw // 2022-03-28
Actress and former track and field star Natasha Ward has found herself on the receiving end of the woke mob after she posted an inconvenient truth about transgender athletes in women's sports. Ward, who plays Deja Duval in the ABC television series "Station 19," said in a now-deleted Instagram story that people "need to have this conversation" regarding male-to-female transgender individuals competing in women's sports. "Supporting trans freedom does not mean it's OK to violate the rights of biological women," she said. "Pretending that trans women are not men who have a biological advantage, and [therefore placing] an undue burden on biological women, is make-believe. It is not science or fact." The former National Collegiate Athletic Association Division 1 athlete-turned-actress warned: "In the long run, women will have to take illegal substances in order to beat men 'identifying' as women in women's sports. [This will] ultimately [push] women out of the upper echelons of elite sports entirely – as we biologically cannot compete apart from enhanced substances – [and forces] women to endanger their health. "When 'your truth' trumps the truth and forces me to pretend that it's not a lie, we have a very real problem. 'Your truth' is not the truth and when it infringes upon fact and places an undue burden which displaces my rights, we have gone too far." This did not sit well with several Twitter users, who promptly called for Ward to be immediately fired from the show for her "transphobia." One user who went by the handle @travichughes said the actress "deserves to be held accountable for what she's said about trans women. You can't have a show [and] cast that celebrates diversity [while] having a known transphobe in the cast." Another user who went by the handle @erfightmastersx said of Ward's post: "This is just downright degrading to trans women. Nobody is taking away [biological] women's rights by being trans. This is basically saying that trans women aren't real women." (Related: Sen. Ted Cruz warns: Disney yielded to cancel culture with Gina Carano firing.)

ABC and its parent Disney bows down to the woke LGBT mob

A spinoff of the medical drama series "Grey's Anatomy," Ward's program "Station 19" airs on ABC – which is owned by The Walt Disney Company. Interestingly, both ABC and Disney expressed opposition to purported "anti-LGBT legislation" following pressure from the leftist cancel culture mob. Disney's flagship network tweeted on March 22: "Today, but more importantly every day, ABC proudly supports our LGBTQIA+ employees, families, friends and allies, and we recognize their vital contributions. We oppose any legislation that threatens basic human rights and stand in solidarity with our colleagues through our practices, our programming and everything we do." A day earlier, Disney CEO Bob Chapek staged an emergency town hall in a bid to appease LGBT employees who had been staging walkouts to oppose government actions in Texas and Florida that sought to limit the influence of transgender ideology on children. "I and the [Disney] leadership team are determined to use this moment as a catalyst for meaningful and lasting change," said Chapek. He also admitted making a mistake through his initial silence toward Florida's Parental Rights in Education Bill that blocked transgender and sexuality education for children in kindergarten through third grade. Chapek added that he understood the pain his initial silence caused Disney's LGBT employees. Chapek made two promises during the March 21 emergency townhall to mollify employees. First, he promised that Disney would engage in more overt activism. Second, he promised that the media company would create an internal LGBT task force that will engage employees, partners and content creators belonging in the community. Visit LiberalMob.com to read more stories like this. Watch conservative commentator Nick Fuentes talking about Disney's opposition to Florida's Parental Rights in Education Bill below. This video is from the Three Spoons channel on Brighteon.com.

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