The blood of COVID-vaccinated people has a strange artifact... mine included
I recently met with a functional medicine doctor. Among other things, functional medicine doctors have been known to use darkfield microscopes and
live blood analysis which is shunned by the mainstream medical community as quackery.
(Article by Steve Kirsch republished from
OK, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to what the slides show.
First off, using a microscope to look at blood is not an unreasonable thing to do. Using a darkfield microscope just provides additional contrast.
In my case, the doctor took a blood sample from me, put it on a glass slide, and covered it with a glass cover. We weren’t in his office so the sample dried out before he looked at it, but he said what he saw was consistent with what he’s observed in every COVID vaccinated patient he’s looked at.
Here is the first image he sent.
What’s odd are what I’m calling the “land masses.”
Note the two large “land masses” in the photo. These “land masses” (my terminology not his) are what he says he only sees in vaccinated patients. The circles are red blood cells and the “spikes” are just because they are flattened and dehydrated (since hours passed from the time he took the sample).

Here’s another slide of my blood. The lower left part (to the left of the dark diagonal “line”) is just an air bubble).
Again, we see a strange “land mass” here just above the line and below the blood cells. That is the area of concern.

Whatever this is, it’s unusual.
What’s troubling is that I was vaccinated 1 year ago and my blood is still easily distinguishable as “vaccinated” blood.
I talked to Ryan Cole and he’s not sure what it is either, but thinks that it is important to find out.
Does anyone think they know and can confirm it?
The last part is the most important.
The graphene oxide hypothesis
There are people who think the sheets are graphene oxide, but they haven’t proved it.
Some people think you can do the identification using mass spectroscopy, but other experts say that graphene oxide is just carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen so it isn’t going to be easily detectable.
However, there are clever ways we can look for graphene oxide in the vials themselves but we don’t have vials to examine.
Personally, I don’t have a horse in this race. There are a lot of people who think it is graphene oxide and others who think it is something else.
Reader comments
There are a variety of opinions from readers. Some are certain these structure appeared before the COVID vaccines and are nothing to worry about. Others are confident they weren’t.
For example,
Phil Walsh writes:
I worked for a few decades as a microscopist and tissue culture specialist and examined my own blood quite often with the use of very high quality research scopes. Large blood inclusions like this just weren't seen pre-COVID. My best guess is that these are, indeed, atom-thick layers of graphene oxide/hydroxide which will easily fold multiple times into one "land mass" structure. I believe the reason for keeping the vials at such low temperatures before use is because the tiny nanometer-sized graphene flakes will begin to self-aggregate into larger and larger hexagonal honeycomb-like sheets at room temperature and above. This would explain the micro-coagulation at the delicate capillary vessels, with the concomitant rise in troponin levels in vaccinated people. I'd suggest repeating the blood examination and viewing immediately before desiccation occurs. You also might want to bring a magnet close to the slide to see if any movement can be detected. From the literature, it seems that GO has interesting paramagnetic properties. As for the purpose of the GO, I can only speculate that these sheets can form the substrate for the construction of nano-level biocircuits/sensors for tracking/control/etc. The state-of-art of this type of tech is thoroughly mind-blowing. Accessible information in the public sector is alarming enough. What DARPA and other entities have come up with over many decades is probably beyond what any of us can even imagine.
Vials analysis done by others
These analyses reveal self-assembling structures and hypothesize about graphene oxide:
Dr. Carrie Madej
Dr Robin Wakeling
We can resolve the debate if I can get a vial of the vaccine to test
If someone can get me a vial of vaccine we can test, we can end the debate. Nobody seems to want to do that. I wonder why?
The most reasonable assumption is because they are afraid of what we might find. Which makes it all the more important to get at least one vial to examine.
Others have gotten vials to look at, but the analysis I want to do will be quite different and hopefully more revealing.
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