COVID-19 vaccination policies in the Philippines are KILLING people daily
By arseniotoledo // 2022-03-29
People all over the world are being killed by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. This is especially true in the Southeast Asian nation of the Philippines, where President Rodrigo Duterte's tyrannical vaccine mandate policies are getting people killed every day. COVID-19 vaccine deaths are not new in the Philippines. As early as April 2021, when the country's COVID-19 vaccination program was just beginning, the Philippine Food and Drug Administration admitted that the country had received over 24,000 reports of adverse events and there were at least 24 deaths related to the COVID-19 vaccine. Later that year, the country's Department of Health backtracked and claimed that there were no deaths directly related to the COVID-19 vaccines in the Philippines. Since then, Philippine public health authorities have either been quiet about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths or have attempted to deny that there were any deaths and injuries to begin with. (Related: Philippine president warns Filipinos: Get the vaccine or go to JAIL.)

Filipinos dying daily due to COVID-19 vaccines

For people to know the truth about what the COVID-19 vaccines have been doing to people in the Philippines, they have been forced to turn to Facebook, where Filipinos have been posting status updates since last year regarding their vaccinations and how their bodies reacted to the deadly doses. One of those vaccinated Filipinos is Chefferly "Che" Galon, 22, who on Aug. 18 got the first dose of Pfizer's mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. By Dec. 24, her social media updates showed her wheelchair-bound. Her final status update, from Feb. 7, was a plea for financial aid as she was dealing with stage four uterine sarcoma, which she almost certainly developed after she got the Pfizer vaccine. She passed away on or around March 20. She spent the last five weeks of her life mostly bedridden. Gian Karla Rivera, 25, is another person who was injured by the vaccines in the Philippines. In early January, she received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and full-body rashes immediately appeared. Her physician prescribed antihistamines, believing the cause to be an allergic reaction to the vaccine. But her situation only got worse. As the days passed, it became clear to her that the antihistamines did not help. Her rashes became more painful and spread to more parts of her body and she became paralyzed from the waist down. "I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome! I became paralyzed after I got vaccinated," wrote Rivera on her Facebook page in a mix of English and Filipino. She was diagnosed after her doctor referred her to a neurologist. She was hospitalized and was forced to shell out over 500,000 pesos ($9,600) to pay for the medication alone. "In other countries, Astra is already banned! Here it's still allowed. Getting sick is difficult because it's so expensive!" she wrote. "The vaccines affect people differently, but what if this happened to you? You and you alone should decide on your health." In a follow-up post written on Jan. 25, Rivera explained that the vaccine definitely caused her Guillain Barre Syndrome and that she got vaccinated because she felt like it was her duty as a good citizen to do so. "I just wanted to be a good citizen and help achieve herd immunity," she wrote. "I wanted to help fight this pandemic by getting [vaccinated]. I didn't want to get this disease because this was by far the most stressful experience for our family both financially and emotionally." "For those who are also asking if my doctor allowed me to get my second dose, the answer is no," she continued. "I'm not an anti-vax person. I just wanted to share my experience and to ask some help from the government because my treatment [costs] is just too much." There are signs that the number of deaths caused by the COVID-19 vaccines will only increase. The Philippines recently authorized the use of the Chinese-made Sinovac vaccines for children aged six years old and above. has the latest information regarding vaccine injuries and deaths around the world. Watch this video to know how the indefinite lockdown and mass COVID-19 vaccination program in the Philippines have caused nearly 200,000 excess deaths between September 2020 and September 2021. This video is from The Prisoner channel on

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