Poll: The Biden economy is terrible, according to 70 percent of Americans
By kevinhughes // 2022-03-30
An Associated Press-NORC poll on Friday, March 25, revealed that around seven in 10 Americans said President Joe Biden's economy "is in bad shape" already. The poll also showed that nearly two-thirds of Americans denounced how Biden is managing the economy. Moreover, a bulk of Americans said Biden's policies have hurt the economy instead of helping it. In general, 65 percent of Americans oppose Biden's handling of the economy, which includes 36 percent of Democrats and 96 percent of Republicans. The discontent with Biden's supervision of the economy has grown throughout his first year in office. In December last year, 57 percent denounced Biden's economy, up by 10 percentage points (47 percent) since July. (Related: Poll: Most voters consider Biden's handling of the economy "poor" as inflation soars) Supporting Biden's horrible numbers are worries about increasing gas and grocery prices. A massive 68 percent of Americans said they are worried about gas prices while 59 percent said they fear soaring grocery prices.

Biden's declining poll numbers will be felt in midterm election

The brunt of Biden's declining poll numbers will probably be felt in the November midterm election. About 75 percent of swing voters in competing districts said Democrats are "out of touch" with reality or "condescending" toward them, according to a National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) poll on March 23. The NRCC poll exposed the Democrats' detachment as a result of three economic reasons. First, inflation has affected 56 percent of swing voters. Second, 52 percent of swing voters think inflation and high gas prices are mainly due to Biden's war on American energy independence. Third, 67 percent of swing voters said the Democrats have spent too much money, leading to sustained inflation. The Democrats' answer to the high gas prices and inflation is to provide Americans cash and refunds. Democrats have suggested three different ways to counter Biden's economy by providing people money. For example, California Gov. Gavin Newsom suggested on Wednesday to grant drivers $400 direct payments per vehicle. Biden, meanwhile, is playing the blame game. Instead of decreasing spending and releasing American energy, Biden has blamed others. As an example, what was once known as "transitory" inflation is now "Putin's price hike." A total of 1,082 adults participated in the AP-NORC poll from March 17-21, which has a 4.0 percentage point margin of error. The polls suggest a contradiction in which the public views Biden as being in power without being in control. His hopes for an enduring economic rebirth have disappeared as Americans contend with rising food and energy costs. And the guarantee of a country no longer under the pandemic's control has been replaced by doubt of the war in Europe. Gas prices were already high before Putin began gathering forces at the Ukrainian border, but they have increased since the beginning of the war without generating a heap of supplementary oil to appear on the market.

Majority of Americans concerned about higher prices for other goods and services

Fifty-three percent of Americans said they are very concerned about higher prices for other goods and services. In general, Americans feel that the higher than usual gas prices are more due to factors outside of Biden's control than because of Biden's policies – 55 percent to 44 percent. Nevertheless, more people believe that Biden’s policies are hurting the economy than helping it, 48 percent to 24 percent. Another 28 percent said they haven't made much difference. This comes after Biden directed a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package and $1 trillion infrastructure package through Congress, though his agenda for economic equity and clean energy stopped in Congress last December. Eighty-eight percent of Democrats said high gas prices are outside Biden's control, while 79 percent of Republicans clearly blamed his policies – which restricted U.S. energy production. The majority of Republicans said Biden's policies are hurting the economy, while only 45 percent of Democrats said they are helping. The poll hints that support among Democrats for Biden's economic leadership is lukewarm at best, especially among those under 45. That's a significant difference from the loyalty that the GOP expressed in Donald Trump, who in March 2018 got an 84 percent approval on the economy from his fellow Republicans. Follow JoeBiden.news to know more about the Joe Biden administration. Watch the video below to know why Joe Biden's poll numbers are bad. This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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