Roman Abramovich said to suffer temporary blindness, peeling face skin and eating problems after trying to broker peace talks between Russia and Ukraine
By ethanh // 2022-03-30
Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, who is currently sanctioned due to his country's invasion of Ukraine, suffered a series of health problems the other day after attempting to broker a peace deal between the two countries. According to reports, Abramovich suddenly went blind as the skin began to peel off his face. He also had trouble eating after that, which some believe was a sign of poisoning. Abramovich is said to be worth around $8 billion. Bellingcat, a European investigative journalism and fact-checking group, announced that two Ukrainian representatives who were also at the peace negotiations suffered similar symptoms that seem to point to some kind of chemical poisoning. The conclusion that Bellingcat came to is that the suspected attack was "not intended to kill," but "was just a warning shot." The Wall Street Journal, which also investigated the situation, concluded the same. The Western media is of course blaming the Kremlin for the suspected attack. Their claim is that Russian President Vladimir Putin might be trying to sabotage the peace talks for some reason.

Abramovich owns properties and assets all around the world, many of which are now frozen

Ever since the beginning of the invasion, Abramovich has been trying to mediate negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv. A spokesman for the oligarch says officials reached out to him shortly after the invasion for help with brokering a peace deal. Abramovich was later reported to have participated in an "advocacy" role during one of the first attempted peace talks that took place in Belarus at the end of February. The Kremlin reportedly confirmed this, as did Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who actually requested that the United States spare Abramovich from sanctions due to his involvement in the peace negotiations process. Currently, Abramovich is sanctioned by Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union. The U.S., however, has not yet sanctioned him. Great Britain's sanction on Abramovich is both complicated and controversial as he currently owns the English soccer club Chelsea F.C. English officials claim that Abramovich has maintained "close links" to Putin for many years, yet they are only now taking issue with it. Right before the sanctions were imposed, Abramovich put both Chelsea F.C. and his $260 million London mansion up for sale. He is also trying to sell his $50 million estate in Colorado in anticipation of a potential U.S. sanction. Abramovich also owns numerous properties in Israel, where he became a citizen in 2018. The U.S., however, is about the only place where Abramovich has not yet been sanctioned. Virtually everywhere else, his assets are now frozen, though he is rumored to be keeping his more valuable assets like his $700 million superyacht constantly on the move in order to evade seizure by foreign authorities. Americans, meanwhile, face potential mass starvation because of other anti-Russia sanctions that are driving up prices on top of pre-existing inflation. Fake "president" Joe Biden promised during a recent NATO summit that massive energy and food shortages are "going to be real" in the coming days, and that this is necessary to stop Putin from continuing to interfere with his family's crime ring in Ukraine. "The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia," Biden bumbled. "It's imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well." In other words, you and your family will continue to suffer an increasingly worse quality of life, and possibly starve, so that the Biden crime family, and many others like it, do not have to. The latest news about the war can be found at Sources for this article include: