"Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners of war in the legs and afterwards give them a severe beating. At the beginning of the video, there are Russian POWs lying on the ground with bullet wounds in their legs, some of them have got leg bones broken," noted independent journalist Maria Dubovikova wrote in one of her video posts.18+ (21+)
Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners of war in the legs and afterwards give them a severe beating. At the beginning of the video, there are Russian POWs lying on the ground with bullet wounds in their legs, some of them have got leg bones broken. #WarCrimes pic.twitter.com/t8Wj33X8rv — Maria Dubovikova (@politblogme) March 27, 2022
"It might give the impression that the Russian military were captured after having been wounded. But that's not the case. At the end of the video, we can see Ukrainian soldiers shooting all the newly arrived prisoners through their legs," she wrote in another video clip post. "Many of them are dying from shock due to the pain right on camera. And all of this is being filmed by Ukrainian soldiers themselves," she wrote in another post.It might give the impression that the Russian military were captured after having been wounded. But that's not the case. At the end of the video, we can see Ukrainian soldiers shooting all the newly arrived prisoners through their legs.#WarCrimes pic.twitter.com/o7B7M1p2pG
— Maria Dubovikova (@politblogme) March 27, 2022
She then went on to post a notice from Ukrainian government officials reminding soldiers to adhere to the Geneva Convention, as a means of pushing back on those who believe the videos were faked.Many of them are dying from shock due to the pain right on camera. And all of this is being filmed by Ukrainian soldiers themselves.
— Maria Dubovikova (@politblogme) March 27, 2022
Dubovikova then posted another video of what appears to be a Ukrainian soldier calling the family of a Russian soldier who had been killed. "This video (as well as the previous ones) is from Ukrainian militants Telegram channels. They are very proud of themselves filming their atrocities. Such footages are numerous. For ex., another graphic 18+, posted by a Ukrainian militant," she wrote.To all those yelling “fake”. I wish it was. https://t.co/XIJEMhpAia
— Maria Dubovikova (@politblogme) March 27, 2022
The moral of the story here is simply this: There are war crimes being committed by both sides in this conflict, not just by one. And Western intelligence agencies and their governments (including ours) know it. Sources include: En-Volve.com NaturalNews.comThis video (as well as the previous ones) is from Ukrainian militants Telegram channels. They are very proud of themselves filming their atrocities. Such footages are numerous. For ex., another graphic 18+, posted by a Ukrainian militant. https://t.co/snDCfaP4iI https://t.co/6M9k40xbdt
— Maria Dubovikova (@politblogme) March 28, 2022
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