The Sheriff Mack Show: FBI’s Patriot Conspiracy program infiltrates and incites groups to violence – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-04-04
Epoch Times correspondent Ken Silva talked about a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) program that infiltrates and incites groups to violence when he appeared as guest in the March 29 episode of "The Sheriff Mack Show" on Brighteon.TV. Silva revealed that Salt Lake City practicing trial lawyer Jesse Trentadue managed to get information about the FBI's secret operations, and one of his findings in his various Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits was about a 1990s era program called Patriot Conspiracy or PATCON. "What I hope to do through my reporting efforts is just to get PATCON as a household name so the Conservative movement knows that the FBI has a program that was meant to infiltrate them and incite them to violence. And God-willing, maybe we'll actually have some lawmakers ask the FBI a few questions if Republicans can take back Congress," Silva told guest host Sam Bushman, who is pinch-hitting for regular host Richard Mack. The PATCON program is documented in detail in thousands of pages of FBI records obtained through the FOIA. Supplementing this information are interviews with people involved on both sides of the infiltration.

FBI agents posing as domestic terrorists

According to Silva, the PATCON program entailed three undercover FBI agents posing as domestic terrorists. These agents pretend to be white supremacist bank robbers who funded terrorism through their proceeds of crime and they spent the early '90s networking with other right wing extremist groups. He added that the program never made any major arrests, which means that PATCON was a massive domestic spying operation failure. Bushman noted that PATCON was supposedly intended to stop threats like violent acts of terrorism, but somewhere along the way it ran off the rails. Silva said that's exactly what a PATCON whistleblower claims it to be. However, another whistleblower that came out about 10 years ago said that PATCON was not really an operation to infiltrate and inform but rather an operation to infiltrate and incite. Trentadue filed the FOIA request lawsuit against the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in relation to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing records. The Salt Lake City lawyer believes that there was a link between the bombing and the death of his brother, Kenneth.

PATCON whistleblower's story gets censored

Silva said Trentadue was able to procure many records before he was contacted by a former FBI informant who worked on PATCON. Trentadue and the whistleblower gave the story to Newsweek hoping that it would be a huge expose on PATCON, its connections to the Oklahoma City bombing and other findings. The Newsweek story, however, got censored. Trentadue would later receive a message that the whistleblower was backing out. Bushman pointed out PATCON has received little media attention because journalists have either been censored, threatened or shut down. Silva said it's not only media censorship that is happening but also government suppression. The FBI had been inciting violence in several places, including the Capitol Hill on Jan. 6 last year, which Bushman said was the culmination of the bureau's underground operation. (Related: Tucker: Jan. 6 "insurrection" organizers were FBI assets.) Silva said that on paper PATCON was conducted from 1991 to 1993 but he agrees with Trentadue's belief that this was an operation that spans multiple decades. Follow to know more about the the FBI's dirty deeds. Watch the full March 29 episode of "The Sheriff Mack Show" below. Catch new episode of the program every Tuesday at 10-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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