Governments still pushing ineffective ways to curb COVID-19, killing more people in the process
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-04-05
There is no doubt by now that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines do not work against omicron, or any variant for that matter. Yet, it seems that governments have put greater punishments in place to enforce the vaccine mandates. Children are being taken away from their parents, families are being kicked out of fast-food restaurants and there is the continuous beat of propaganda demanding people to get the jab. In the March 31 episode of "The American Journal," host Harrison Smith talked about people complying with vaccine mandates and the government's forceful actions to bring the hammer down. Even Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla came in to say that the shots do not really work and that there has been no lowering of infection rates so far. According to Bourla, the two doses of Pfizer vaccines are not enough for omicron and they do not provide robust protection against infection. The vaccine's ability to prevent hospitalization has also declined, according to Bourla, adding that a third shot is necessary to provide good protection against death and "decent" protection against hospitalization. Governments have not stopped pushing for the vaccines despite all evidence saying they don't work and are killing people, including children. While children and athletes are dropping like flies, President Joe Biden is making a big show of getting yet another booster shot on live TV, while other places like Shanghai, China, are on a tight lockdown.

Chinese president urges officials to "minimize the impact" of COVID on economy

Millions of people in Shanghai are in strict lockdown and are required to participate in mandatory daily COVID testing to keep their QR code passports valid. In March, President Xi Jinping urged officials to "minimize the impact" of the virus on the country's economy as authorities continue to reflect on the zero-COVID policy. A record 3,450 asymptomatic cases were recorded in Shanghai last week, accounting for nearly 70 percent of the nationwide total. There were also 50 symptomatic cases, according to officials. While these numbers are insignificant in a global context, with some countries listing cases in the hundred thousand, these are China's highest since the first weeks of the pandemic in late 2019. Millions of residents in affected areas across the country have been subjected to citywide lockdowns. They say some healthcare workers arrive to conduct tests as early as 7 a.m. Residents were told to remain indoors and all business employees and government personnel not involved in the supply of essential services were advised to work from home. However, those involved in providing vital services are exempt from the stay-at-home order. (Related: China implements strict lockdown, claiming they have to stop the spread of COVID... the supply chain will be impacted.)

Australian MP slams medical establishment's handling of COVID crisis

In Australia, Member of Parliament George Christensen criticized the medical establishment for its failure to deal with the COVID crisis. Christensen pointed out that the ineffectiveness of restrictive COVID measures: lockdowns did not work and vaccine passports were unjustified discrimination. "People still could get COVID, including the vaccinated; people still in the hospital, including the vaccinated; and regrettably, people still died, including the vaccinated," he said. He also noted that the majority of deaths were among the vaccinated and the premiers and state governments stopped giving breakdowns, while the media hasn't bothered to ask why. (Related: Australian MP condemned for speech saying mask mandates, lockdowns are unscientific.) "Because results prove they were wrong. When the tyrannical measures failed, either in court or at the ballot box. The perpetrators will be held to account and I offer this word of warning to private enterprises sacking workers under discriminatory policies," Christensen went on. "They too will be held to account for wrongful dismissal. They knew or ought to have known their policies would make no difference." Christensen does not limit his disdain for the government's actions in privileged speeches. On his website, he urged visitors to reject the "great reset," which he described as a "globalist plan that seeks to fuse socialism and corporatism and embed it permanently into our economy and society," under the guise of a pandemic. Follow to get more updates about the status of COVID-19 around the world. Watch the video below to see Christensen completely destroy Australia's COVID narrative. This video is from the InfoWars channel at

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