How to transform FEAR into CONFIDENCE as we face an uncertain future of food scarcity and dollar devaluation
Many people find this odd, but those who talk the most about the coming "doom and gloom" scenarios are usually the very same people who have the
least fear about facing the future. Acknowledging the extreme events we all face -- food scarcity, crazy price inflation, violent uprisings, etc., -- doesn't mean we have to give in to uncertainty and fear about our own future. In fact,
fear can be a powerful energy source to help you get things done that will grant you confidence about the future.
Fear, in other words, can be thought of as a battery power pack that you can transform into constructive projects and solutions. If you're afraid of being physically attacked, for example, channel that fear into an introductory self-defense class or a concealed carry pistol class. Let the fear drive your focus into an area that can give you solutions and confidence in facing the future.
If you're afraid of starvation due to food scarcity, redirect that fear into growing food, even at a small scale. Pursue the planting of a small garden, or put together a non-circulating hydroponic grow bin (like the ones I talk about at If you don't know how to grow food, you can learn the skills quite readily. Majory Wildcraft's
Food Grow Network is a new sponsor of Brighteon, and she's offering a free webinar that teaches you the basics of a compact, highly effective food grow setup that only uses the same amount of space as two or three parking spaces for a car. Find that at
If you're afraid of the collapse of the dollar and the loss of your bank accounts, you can right now trade dollars for real assets such as gold, silver, land, used vehicles, ammunition or other real items that won't vanish in a currency collapse.
The point is,
you don't have to dwell in fear when there are so many solutions available right now that can insulate you from many of the negative effects of the global collapse that's accelerating.
In addition, my new audio book is nearly ready, and you will soon be able to download it for free. It's called Resilient Prepping, and it teaches you how to survive with high-tech, low-tech and NO-tech solutions, just in case we lose the power grid, combustion engines and the rule of law. (i.e. the TOTAL collapse of society).
You can register to be emailed as soon as that free audio book is available: (the ETA on this book is 3-4 weeks. It is currently in the transcription phase for the final chapters).

Today's Situation Update podcast also shares a funny story about
partially moth-infested organic almonds and how you can still use a lot of food that might be partially eaten by bugs (not a joke, this is a serious discussion).
Listen here, and prepare to laugh:
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