“I have severe PTSD,” claimed the former New York Times journalist. “I contemplated suicide.” “You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life.” “And it’s so isolating,” claimed Lorenz, breaking into tears. “It’s horrifying.” Lorenz made herself a target of mockery across the internet for her attempt to play the woke crybully victim card.Taylor Lorenz says that she has "severe PTSD" from mean tweets directed at her.
"It's horrifying," she says before breaking down in tears. pic.twitter.com/ryFweRtnSd — Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) April 1, 2022
I take no joy in seeing someone cry, but Taylor Lorenz is a trench warfare veteran and she dishes out crap like this all the time. Just recently she joined the dogpiling of Emma Camp for her NYT op-ed about feeling silenced on campus. Also why is she in an under 35 segment? https://t.co/fLySC1ynwZ
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) April 1, 2022
Lorenz has published hit pieces on quasi-public figures throughout her career, previously identifying the family members of conservative internet personalities.Taylor Lorenz has made it her career to ruin peoples lives. You’d think someone in that field of work would have a tougher constitution. https://t.co/eiPJ6yc5wX
— Will Upton (@wupton) April 1, 2022
One talent agent who works with social media influencers explained why she’s suing Lorenz for defamation, following a hit piece Lorenz wrote that Ariadna Jacob says is based on lies. “It was devastating when Taylor Lorenz came along with the megaphone of the New York Times and decided to write a scathing article full of lies about us,” said Jacob in a 2021 Tucker Carlson interview. Lorenz falsely accused one tech entrepreneur of calling someone “retarded” in a private Clubhouse chat room in 2021, according to Fox News. Maybe service in the military or work in a blue-collar construction job should be considered mandatory for employment at an establishment media news outlet. That would instill thick skin in some of the biggest whiners in the world. Read more at: WesternJournal.comWhat Taylor Lorenz does to people on the front page of the world's most powerful newspaper, and then the way she turns herself into the victim over the life-destroying weapons she deploys against people, is just unreal. Just look at this:https://t.co/3N2nHjNKLG pic.twitter.com/XuVsOI1Lhe
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 15, 2021
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