NYC mask mandate for toddlers stays in effect as judge overturns ruling that deems it UNCONSTITUTIONAL
By ramontomeydw // 2022-04-05
Children two to four years old in New York City (NYC) have to wear masks under a new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mask mandate from Mayor Eric Adams, which was initially ruled unconstitutional by a judge. However, another judge overturned the ruling just hours later, allowing the mask mandate to stay. Richmond County Supreme Court Judge Ralph Porzio ruled on April 1 that the mask mandate by Adams was "arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable." He also issued a permanent injunction against it. Adams promised to appeal Porzio's ruling and was successful in doing so. The NYC mayor took to social media to announce his successful appeal. "A judge has ruled in favor of the administration and, this evening, stayed the order on masks for two- to four-year-olds. Every decision we make is with our children's health and safety in mind. Children between two and four [years old] should continue to wear their masks in school and daycare come Monday, [April 4.]" Adams and NYC Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan announced the mask mandate for children during an April 1 press conference, arguing that lifting mask mandates amid "rising levels" of COVID-19 cases would be an irresponsible move. (Related: Medical professionals, students decry mask mandates and other Covid measures in schools.) "That's why we are recommending to wait a bit longer to make masks optional for this age group," Vasan said. "They will continue to rise over the next few weeks – and it's likely that over these weeks, we will move into a different level of overall risk across the city." The NYC mayor, meanwhile, said: "Due to the rise in cases that we're seeing, our plans were to take a week to assess the numbers before removing masks with [children] two to four years old. Out schools have been among the safest places for our children since the beginning of the pandemic. I've said it before: I'm with NYC parents, and New Yorkers can trust this administration to continue to make the proper public health decisions to keep our kids safe."

Adams' decision widely criticized on social media

Both parents and officials in The Empire State were outraged by the NYC mayor's announcement, with some expressing their discontent on social media. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) called to "unmask our toddlers" in a tweet, adding that NYC should not appeal Porzio's ruling or "keep this unscientific, abusive mandate" for children. "All remaining COVID-19 mandates must end today," he added. Daniela Jampel, a founding member of the Keep NYC Schools Open coalition, wrote: "I am frankly stunned that [Adams and Vasan are] keeping the toddler mask mandate. Cases are rising, so we are keeping masks on toddlers and only toddlers?" She exhorted other NYC parents to refuse to mask their toddlers on Monday, April 4 as "the law is on our side." "If there was any doubt the NYC toddler mask mandate is a [government] power trip, just look at how [Adams] decided not to lift it just because a judge ruled against it," filmmaker and podcast host Eric Olson tweeted. Troy Olson of the New York Young Republican Club's Veterans Caucus, meanwhile, wrote that those who voted for the incumbent NYC mayor "better not be whining about how far behind kids are in 10 to 15 years, because it's your own decisions and preferences like this one will lead to more inequality." Outside of social media, more than 100 parents and their children also gathered in front of the City Hall demanding that Adams "unmask our toddlers." Protesters chanted slogans such as "my kid, my choice" and "follow the science." Others carried signs that urged the mayor to rescind the mask mandate for toddlers. Visit for more news about COVID-19 mask mandates. Watch this video below that touches on NYC Mayor Eric Adams' mask mandate. This video is from the Cynthia's Pursuit to Truth channel on

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