Roger Stone: Orgygate scandal exposed by Rep. Madison Cawthorn is LEGIT
By ramontomeydw // 2022-04-05
Former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone confirmed to InfoWars founder Alex Jones that the "Orgygate" scandal exposed by Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) was indeed legitimate. "The reason I wanted to come on today is to bear witness for Cawthorn, who has been criticized for telling the truth. I was in Washington, D.C. [and] was part of the ruling elite. I've lived there for 41 years, I had one of the most successful lobbying firms in American history and I had a front seat." Stone, who spent more than four decades "in the corroded rectum of the two-party system," attested to Cawthorn's claims about the debauchery on Capitol Hill. "I saw this up close. Anybody out there who thinks that the ruling elite … do not engage in drug-fueled orgies is out of their mind," he told Jones. During an appearance on the "Warrior Poet Society" podcast, Cawthorn expressed astonishment at the levels of "sexual perversion" in Washington. He also told podcast host John Lovell that politicians he had looked up to throughout his life have now been inviting him to attend orgies, calling them "sexual get-togethers." The North Carolina lawmaker also pointed out the prevalence of drug use on Capitol Hill. "Some of the people that are leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country and then you watch them do a key bump of cocaine right in front of you and it's like, wow, this is wild." According to Cawthorn, members of the media deliberately go after these actions as blackmail material for politicians who step out of line. "If you're about to speak out against something they don't want to, they'll come out and say 'We're about to drop this story of when 17 years ago, you did X, Y and Z. You don't want us to drop that story, do you? So we're going to bully you back into this position," he said. (Related: Rep. Madison Cawthorn says he's been asked to "orgies" in DC, has seen politicians do "coke" while media gathers blackmail materials.)

Stone: RINOs, media covering up for themselves with attacks on Cawthorn

Stone also took shots at the mainstream media and Republicans in name only (RINOs) who have leveled criticism against the neophyte congressman. "All of those in the media and in Congress who are not attacking Cawthorn, stop and ask yourself: Why are they doing that? Who are they covering for, or is it themselves? Why are all these RINOs jumping out of the woodwork attacking him? What are they hiding, what do they have to hide? Were they at some of these parties?" "I know firsthand that Cawthorn is telling the truth, and he needs to be given the benefit of the doubt. And I think you have to question why [House Minority Leader] Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is so anxious to cover this up. Why is he so anxious to silence this junior member of Congress? The political establishment is seeking to discredit him." Ultimately, Stone remarked that the vitriol about the congressman's revelation boiled down to blackmail. He explained: "It's about blackmail; that's why there is such a rush to denounce and discredit Cawthorn. Because they're afraid of what he knows. What if he does start saying who it was he saw, who invited him or who it was that he knows attended these drug-fueled parties that he alleges? He has truth on his side – and that makes him very, very dangerous to the political establishment." "The people watching InfoWars for years need to realize that Cawthorn is the guy telling the truth. All those RINOs who are moving to discredit, smear, belittle and threaten to remove his committees … have something to hide. They are so vulnerable [and] hysterical because if he starts to name names, it would go all the way to the top – and that is exactly what they fear." Jones agreed with the former Trump campaign adviser. "They want to push the envelope and that's pretty much par for the course. Swinger clubs, orgies, drugs, that's going on all over. The idea [that] this isn't going on is just preposterous," he said. Visit for more stories about the debauchery happening on Capitol Hill. Watch the conversation between Roger Stone and Alex Jones about Madison Cawthorn's revelation below. This video is from the Roger Stone channel on

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