"Tattletale" mainstream journalist Taylor Lorenz now suffering from cry-bully-induced PTSD, also known as POST TWEET-STORM DRAMA disorder (opinion)
By sdwells // 2022-04-07
Will Taylor Lorenz, the ultimate "tattletale journalist," be put on psychotropic drugs to deal with the flurry of insulting tweets she just received as backlash for ripping people's lives apart and calling her bully blogs "internet culture?" A current drama-journalist at the DC rag, a.k.a. WAPO (Washington Post), and a previous writer for the New York Times, Lorenz is a passive-aggressive character assassin, ripping apart anyone who has different political stances than herself. Taylor has previously authored many NYT stories about trying to "make it big online," but now finds herself feeling quite small, after her victims decided to defend themselves with a recent tweet storm that has driven Lorenz to the brink. She says she has even contemplated suicide and claims to suffer what many soldiers suffer after going into combat zones… PTSD. Now she's doing interviews to express how awful her post-tweet-storm-drama has made her feel, wiping away dry tears while other fake news specialists egg her on with sympathy for her feelings of terror, horror and isolation. It's hard being a hit-piece journalist and then being hailed on by a vicious tweet storm. PTSD was bound to set in, and Taylor Lorenz says she's got it REALLY BAD, like suicidal bad.

Character assassin Taylor Lorenz stars in cry-bully scene blasted across social media after twitter backlash

Taylor Lorenz once ran all social media at the Daily Mail, and covered "trends in social media" for other fake news outlets, including The Atlantic and The Daily Beast. Her niche is shaping the ways humans express themselves via communication, also called "acting." She was even once named to Fortune's 40 Under 40 in the "media and entertainment" category. According to herself, she spends "All day, every day on the internet," so how likely is it that she's been so offended that someone somewhere who's not a nice person "might" have some dirt on her? “You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life," she cries after people do to her exactly what she does to them. How ironic. Why would anyone want to tweet mean things to someone so mean as Taylor Lorenz? The situation is referred to as cry-bullying like when a known bully-child in school cries wolf when someone defends themselves against him/her. "And it’s so isolating. It’s horrifying,” Lorenz said again, for the second year in a row. Watch the post-twitter-storm-drama event coverage to see for yourself. "It's so isolating"… "and terrifying" (adds the anchor for dramatic effect), and then back to the PTSD sufferer… "It's horrifying" (insert breaking voice and fake tear wiping here).

Post-tweet-storm-drama disorder now trending in full effect

This is what America is supposed to be concerned with and focusing on, while Rome burns and the communists in Washington DC ruin our lives with COVID restrictions and more "hate everything Russia" cover-up news. It's literally insulting to people with actual PTSD that some drama "queen" from the fake news media can claim to suffer the same way people do that have suffered horrific injuries, accidents and real trauma. Everyone knows that Fakebook and Tweetle-Dum were designed to create fake worlds, where fake friends and fake acquaintances boost and bury each other's self-esteem. This whole country is BOMBARDED with fake news, fake medicine, fake vaccines, fake food and fake people. It's a wonder everyone isn't prescribed SSRIs and force-vaccinated to death just for having a social media "profile" they actually believe matters. Next, everyone will believe that the earth's atmosphere is getting hotter due to cow farts. Wait, that's already a thing. Tune your internet dial to ClimateAlarmism.news for coverage exposing fake news journalists and other Hollywood deceptive practices. Sources for this article include: TheGatewayPundit.com WesternJournal.com NaturalNews.com