South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem set to ban CRT in schools via executive order
By ramontomeydw // 2022-04-08
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is set to ban Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the state's public school by means of an executive order (EO). The Republican governor announced that she will sign an executive order prohibiting the instruction of CRT from students in kinder until 12th grade during a town hall meeting in the city of Mobridge, footage of which Noem shared on her Twitter account. "CRT has no place in our South Dakota public education," she tweeted. During the meeting, Noem mentioned bringing two proposals banning CRT from public schools and universities in the state. While the anti-CRT bill for universities passed, the South Dakota Legislature "killed the K-12 one." Given this turn of events, the governor mentioned her signing of the EO against CRT "to make sure that [it] is not taught to our kids in our public school systems, too." She first introduced the anti-CRT proposals in December 2021, saying in a statement that "Americans believe 'all men are created equal,' and we also believe the American dream is available to all regardless of race, color or national origin." "Our schools should teach our children our nation's true and honest history. They should teach about our successes in establishing a country that is a beacon of freedom to the world, and our mistakes along the way. Our children should not, however, be taught the false and divisive message that they are responsible for the shortcomings of past generations and other members of our respective races." (Related: North Dakota becomes latest state to ban divisive critical race theory in schools, calls for curriculum to be 'factual' and 'objective.') Noem's proposals sought to block education teaching that "any race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity or national origin is inherently superior or inferior." They also sought to block ideas that persons "are responsible for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity or national origin," and that they should be "adversely treated or feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress" based on the aforementioned qualities.

Florida takes it up a notch with the Stop WOKE Act

While Noem sought to ban CRT from educational institutions with her EO, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took it up a notch with the Stop Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees (WOKE) Act. DeSantis first announced The Stop WOKE Act, which aims to limit CRT instructions in classrooms and workplaces, back in December 2021. Described as a tool to "fight back against woke indoctrination," the Florida governor's office said the proposal "will be the strongest legislation of its kind in the nation" that is set to "take on both corporate wokeness and CRT." "In Florida, we are taking a stand against the state-sanctioned racism that is CRT. We won't allow Florida tax dollars to be spent teaching kids to hate each other," said DeSantis. "We must [also] protect Florida workers against the hostile work environment that is created when large corporations force their employees to endure CRT-inspired 'training' and 'indoctrination.'" The Florida House of Representatives approved the Stop WOKE Act on Feb. 24 in a 74-41 vote, with legislators in the state's lower chamber voting along party lines. Two weeks later on March 10, the Florida Senate approved the proposal in a 24-15 vote. It is now set for DeSantis' desk, with only his signature needed for it to become law. Under the Stop WOKE Act, public schools enacting a CRT learning plan would not receive state funding. Staff would also be prevented from undergoing diversity training, which DeSantis dubbed as "anti-racist therapy." Furthermore, the proposal would enable parents to challenge CRT teachings in court if signed into law – with the state reimbursing their legal expenses. "A lot of times, these people will fear lawsuits more than a fine from the Florida Department of Education," said DeSantis. has more stories about the pushback against CRT in schools. Watch Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis explaining the Stop WOKE Act to Glenn Beck below. This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on

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