Coalition of Austrian clergymen denounces Vienna's COVID vaccine mandate
By ramontomeydw // 2022-04-11
A coalition of priests and deacons in Austria denounced the country's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate. The group made up of 120 clergymen slammed the mandate in a statement, arguing that the church "cannot remain silent [on] illegal compulsory vaccination." The April 7 statement from the coalition noted that the clergymen "feel compelled to take a stand in the current crisis" and defend the estimated two million Austrians who refuse to get injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. "We know and care about people who are still under massive pressure [and] are facing the end of their education or career because of compulsory vaccination. These people are not isolated cases," the coalition stated. The clergymen pointed out that the COVID-19 vaccines are linked to abortion through their use of fetal cell lines as an ingredient or a component for testing. "The pro-life movement … has repeatedly emphasized that 'anyone using these vaccines is benefiting from, and at least implicitly supporting, a structure of evil. The continued development of such cell lines and all other – and increasingly common – uses of fetal tissue to date are proving [the movement] right," they wrote. "It is now an undisputed fact that the mRNA vaccines are not a suitable means for containing the serious pathogen. They do no prevent infection or transmission of the virus, and the vaccine manufacturers have never even claimed that they would do so. The only benefit of vaccination, consumers are told, is the likelihood of mitigating the severity of an infection. [But this] is now being disputed by a growing number of hospital staff, since the intensive care units are increasingly treating severe cases among the fully vaccinated." (Related: Austria suffers record number of COVID infections days after locking down the unvaccinated.) The coalition also mentioned the "climate of suspicion and denunciation [that] has developed within a very short time." Under this climate, "any well-considered opposition to compulsory vaccination is equated, against all reason, with a lack of solidarity." It ultimately warned that "the divisions within society, which obviously exist, will not be resolved by labeling those who oppose vaccination as 'selfish idiots.'"

Clergymen: Suspension of vaccine mandate makes no difference

The April 7 statement from the coalition of clergymen targeted Vienna's vaccine mandate for the country's population. Under the measure, people refusing to get injected with the COVID-19 vaccine would face exorbitant fines every month – which would only stop if they present proof of vaccination. It was initially announced in December 2021 and subsequently passed in the Austrian Parliament. However, Vienna suspended the measure six days before it was set to take effect on March 15. During a March 9 press conference, Austrian Minister for the European Union and the Constitution Karoline Edtstadler said the vaccine mandate will no longer take effect on its original date. She added that the compulsory vaccination law is "an encroachment of fundamental rights" that can no longer be justified. "After consultations with the health minister, we have decided that we will, of course, follow what the [expert] commission has said. We see no need to actually implement this compulsory vaccination due to the [B11529 omicron] variant that we are predominantly experiencing here," she said. Edtstadler added that the aforementioned commission, composed of health experts, will review the situation and the law in mid-June 2022. She said the vaccine mandate may still be reimplemented in the future, saying: "I don't think I need a crystal ball to tell you that today isn't the last chapter we will write regarding the vaccination mandate." Edtstadler's announcement of the vaccine mandate's suspension failed to mollify the coalition of clergymen. "The fact that the so-called compulsory vaccination law is currently suspended until June 2022 makes no difference in terms of its content and [its] continued existence," they wrote. has more stories about Austria's COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Watch below as Tammy Cuthbert Garcia of "Naturally Inspired" talks about Austria deploying vaccine inspectors to look for unvaccinated people. This video is from the Tammy Cuthbert Garcia channel on

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