Derek Paul: Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill benefits PARENTS – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2022-04-11
Derek Paul, executive director of the Transformation Ministers Alliance (TMA), believes Florida's newly signed Parental Rights in Education Bill (PREB) will benefit parents. "First, that bill has nothing to do with gay. It's actually a bill that allows full transparency for the students and the parents," Paul told "Byline Anew" host Fior Hernandez during the April 7 episode of the program on Brighteon.TV. The TMA executive director, who lives in Florida's Alachua County, noted that the bill's detractors launched a campaign to rebrand the proposal as the "Don't Say Gay" bill. "It was discovered that gender indoctrination [was] happening as young as kindergarten. Those in charge of the curriculum were not happy and knew that they would be outed. [So they] tried to get ahead of that by calling it the 'Don't Say Gay' bill and rebranding it – but it did not work out for them." (Related: It's OK to say "gay" but please don't use offensive words like "boy" or "girl.") Despite the criticism lobbed against the PREB, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis eventually signed it into law on March 28. "We will make sure that parents can send their kids to school to get an education, not an indoctrination," he said as he signed the bill during a ceremony held at the Classical Preparatory School in Spring Hill, Florida. Paul praised the Sunshine State's Republican governor for signing it into law and shared a story of how the new law affects him as a parent. He told Hernandez that his five-year-old son in kindergarten was read "an LGBT propaganda book" two months in. "He had a wonderful Christian teacher [and] an incredible principal, but this happened without them knowing it was happening. I've heard other leaders in our community say 'there is nothing like this going on.' Let me tell you as a parent of a [child] two months into kindergarten: It is absolutely happening here."

Parents, not teachers, should be the ones to open the topic of sexuality

"I definitely want people to know that it's important not to expose people to identities and lifestyles before they're developmentally able to comprehend what [those entail] – especially at kindergarten age and a little above that," said Paul, who was formerly part of the LGBT community himself. "They actually believe that parents don't have an idea as to what is in their child's best interest. We are the ones who are the first teachers of these children. We are the ones who care for them 24/7 [and] who are responsible [for them] even in a court of law – up until they're adults. This is the way that the human race has been." Hernandez agreed with him, pointing out that teachers believing that they can "take away the rights and the authority that parents have" over their children is an "outrageous" prospect. She also mentioned a passage from the book of Proverbs that said: "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) Paul also denounced Alachua County Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler, who was a teacher for more than three decades. "[Wheeler] said that if we didn't understand what these kindergarteners already knew, we should listen to them. I thought she was a teacher for more than 30 years, and here [she is] lecturing parents on not knowing or having the wisdom to deal with a kindergartener. It was a little bit absurd to hear that." He added that Wheeler and other county officials were "bringing up that we should just accept that there are good teachers out there and trust these teachers. But what about all the good parents out there? They should trust the parents." Visit for more news about LGBT teachings in classrooms that the PREB seeks to address. Watch the full April 7 episode of "Byline Anew" below, featuring Fior Hernandez and TMA Executive Director Derek Paul. Tune in to "Byline Anew" every Sunday at 9:30-10 a.m. and Thursday at 10:30-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV. This video is from the BrighteonTV channel on

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