MATRIXXX GROOOVE: Kash Patel calls out 51 intel officials who manipulated the political narrative surrounding Hunter Biden's controversial laptop – Brighteon.TV
By royluarca // 2022-04-11
They have talked about the controversial Hunter Biden laptop before, but felt that there's a lot more information to be shared. So they did a part two in the April 4 episode of their "Matrixxx Grooove" show on Brighteon.TV. Jeffrey "InTheMatrixxx" Pedersen and Shannon "ShadyGrooove" Townsend invited Attorney Kash Patel to do the talking on the same subject they tackled on March 17. (Related: Matrixxx Grooove: Jeff and Shady talk about Hunter Biden's LAPTOP FROM HELL – Brighteon.TV.) Patel, the former chief-of-staff to then-Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, did not disappoint. He detested the supposed intelligence pundits who went along with the narrative that Biden's laptop story from hell was nothing but a Russian concoction. "And then you have cowards, like these 51 intelligence officials who don't help the political narrative in this country because they politicize the national security apparatus," said Patel, who served as deputy assistant to former President Donald Trump and as senior director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council. "These guys, three former directors of the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], a former director of the NSA [National Security Agency] and a former secretary of Defense come out and inform the American public, lying that Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation, because [it] is a presidential election cycle," said Patel, who worked in the government for 16 years under multiple administrations, including Barack Obama's Department of Justice and Department of Defense. "That is the epitome of politicizing national security. And our spy chief John Ratcliffe, great American, came out and did the right thing. He said, 'Look, I can't get into the details, but I've reviewed every cable. This is not Russian disinformation,' he told the American public. Bill Barr could have done the same as the attorney general. He failed because he's as much of a political animal as the rest of them. So these are the individuals you have to call out, but what hurts the most is they let down America." Not only that, they refused to own their misdeeds, even when it has been proven that the contents of Hunter's MacBook, which was brought to a computer repair shop in Delaware in April 2019, were authentic. "And now, a year and a half, two years later, it's the same rinse, repeat cycle that we went through with Russiagate. You know, the former CIA heads and the former DoD heads, we're not going to apologize. We're going to say we were right to warn you about Russia." The Russiagate being alluded to was Trump's alleged collusion with Russia in trying to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, which Trump won over Hillary Clinton. After 22 months of investigation, special counsel Robert Mueller concluded in a report submitted to Barr on March 22 that he did not find sufficient evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. That led Trump to sue Clinton and other FBI officers over the collusion allegations. Patel accused the intelligence officials of cozying up with the media "to just corrupt so many American belief systems." Pedersen, noting that he has experienced being defamed, agreed. "We looked into a lot of the different things that the Biden's have. We've got metadata, [which] we broke that on February 25. We've got Rosemont Seneca, we've got the lithium batteries, hence the pull out of Afghanistan stand to make them trillions with the Chinese business. They've got businesses, Kazakhstan, Iraq." Going back to the 2020 presidential election, wherein Joe Biden bested Trump, Patel said the results hardly mattered as "I can't go back in time and change that." But it doesn't mean either that Patel would just let the sleight pulled off by conspirators pass. "What we can do is use these lawsuits like Michigan's doing and some other states are leading out with I think Georgia to maybe even have judicial opinions rendered on whether or not there was fraud. Because that's the only thing a guy like me could take out to the public and be like, look, it happened, a court said so, a judge said so."

Judicial opinions carry more weight

Being a former federal prosecutor, Patel believes judicial opinions carry more weight than the one the media is spinning and feels the "Americans are realizing voting for Joe Biden wasn't the right decision and listening to the media was an even worse decision." Patel then reverted to the 51 intel officials. "I'm gonna just call out the people that I think got in the way of the Trump administration and they were like, yeah, brilliant. And so I called out names that I don't think people have heard. And I wasn't just slinging arrows – I based it on facts. Rod Rosenstein Chris Ray, Gina Haspel, Mark Milley, these guys failed and broke their oath of office during the Trump administration." As for the mainstream media outlets, which ignored Hunter's laptop story when the New York Post broke it out, they were compelled to admit its legitimacy in March. After all, the facts can no longer be hidden as the laptop's contents are now entered into congressional records and would soon be made available to the public. It will be up to the Americans to discern the truth. And their decision on the Bidens' fate will be known in the midterm elections on November 8. Visit for more news related to the corrupt ways of the Biden family. Watch the full April 4 episode of the "Matrixxx Grooove" featuring Kash Patel. Catch new episodes of the program every Monday at 12-1 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. This video is from the BrighteonTV channel on

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