Dr. John Diamond to American parents: Do whatever you can to get your children out of public schools – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-04-12
Theologian Dr. John Diamond has called on American parents to get their children out of public schools during the April 6 episode of "America Unhinged" on Brighteon.TV. "Do whatever you can to get your children out of public schools because they went from teaching the Bible and prayer in schools to neutrality. And now everything that is coming out of the public schools is basically Satanic filth and they have an agenda. They are trying to convert your children. They are trying to convert them to atheists. They are trying to convert them to homosexuality, pedophilia, Marxism and socialism," Diamond said. "It is active and we know it. Now there is no denying it, there's no getting away with it." The Brighteon.TV  host pointed out that the American public education system is too broken to fix, citing as an example the Pilgrims who tried to reform the Church of England until they realized it was irreparable. "The only way that we can give our children and the next generation the education that they need and deserve is to remove them from that wicked evil system," Diamond said. Diamond also shared a Scripture verse from Proverbs 9:10 that said: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." He also mentioned his testimony and conversion to Christ at the age of 27 years old, as well as the time he studied the messages and sermons that came out of the Great Awakening, a series of Christian and religious revival that occurred during the 18th and 20th century.

Parents are there to teach their children

The theologian was joined in the program by Dr. Diane Davis of Aletheia Christian College. Davis has been training teachers for over 40 years and equipping them to teach the truth. "And that's what our college means. Aletheia means truth. And we do not forget what God has done. So we are equipping them to teach truth in the home, the church and the school. We started to wonder if school movement is a way to equip every community with quality education," said Davis, who has taught as a substitute in both Christian and public schools before she and her husband Randall started a Christian school in 1990. Davis cited Scripture verses from Deuteronomy 11:18-19 and said that it was God's intention for parents to teach their children every day and all the time about God's law and the goodness of His law. She added that the Holy Bible commands the teaching of God's law not only to children or God's people, but also to other people or to other nations. She also mentioned that there is a need for every parish to educate every child, quoting a book authored by Indian Christian intellectual Vishal Mangalwadi that says there is a reason for the Christian church to start a school no matter how big or small it is. (Related: Book author Vishal Mangalwadi: Church should be at the center of education.) The teacher and administrator of various Christian schools also talked about the one-room school, which she said could address the problem of parents teaching their children. "Single parents cannot educate their child alone or parents that have two children. They both must work. They cannot educate their children at home. And some parents don't feel qualified to teach," Davis explained. "So one of the strengths of the one-room school is that a qualified teacher can reach out to those who need their children educated in a Christian curriculum. Another strength is that teachers can charge however much those people can pay. And so they don't have to charge a large amount." Follow EducationSystem.news to know more about America's education system. Watch the full April 6 episode of "America Unhinged" below. You can catch "America Unhinged" with Dr. John Diamond every weekday from 9-10 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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