SAVE A GENERATION tour kicks off in FLORIDA April 21-30 … health freedom has never been more important
By ljdevon // 2022-04-13
Health freedom has never been more important in human history. The SAVE A GENERATION Florida 2022 tour kicks off April 21 and will take place in seven cities throughout the state. The tour will feature a powerful lineup of doctors, nurses, artists, authors, and health freedom advocates who all have a powerful and unique message. As America’s freest state, Florida has unique and powerful roles in defending civil liberties, medical freedom, free speech, democracy, and the rule of law. Under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida quickly rejected medical tyranny. Livelihoods were protected early on, with fully open businesses, churches, and schools. Along the way, Florida has blocked discriminatory vaccine passports and even passed legislation shutting down mandates and guaranteeing equal opportunities for employees and individuals. Florida parents moved swiftly to end asinine school quarantines and forced masks, allowing children to receive a proper education, free from terror and abuse. Florida is standing for patient rights and ending the inhumane separation of families. Florida also passed legislation strengthening parental rights and stopping a predatory vaccine industry from harming children. Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo became the first to recommend AGAINST the covid-19 vaccine for children. But there is much more work to be done, and Americans must take a bold stand for health freedom, for the future of the country depends upon it.

The battle for human rights, dignity and life has just begun

The SAVE A GENERATION tour features medical professionals who are willing to stand up for the informed consent principle and the proper treatment of patients. This tour features leaders who aren’t afraid to speak about the crimes against humanity, whether it be harmful hospital protocols, unlawful mandates, or the sickness and death caused by coercive, biological experiments. The SAVE A GENERATION tour is a wake-up call for Americans to stand up for human rights, dignity, and truth. The tour will start in Santa Rosa Beach in Western Florida, followed by dates in the Capital city of Tallahassee, Jacksonville, and Orlando. On April 28, the tour continues in Largo (outside Tampa Bay) and then to Venice, before concluding in Sarasota, Florida with a special VIP dinner. The tour will also include two virtual ticket options, one for Orlando on April 24 and one for Largo on April 28. The tour will feature various leaders, including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Brian Ardis, among many other professionals who are putting their careers and lives on the line. The tour will feature optional VIP dinners each night, allowing VIP ticket holders to meet and take photos with the doctors, scientists, and public figures who are fighting for health and freedom for generations to come. The speakers will discuss the coordinated censorship of independent doctors, early treatment options, and natural immunity. The revolution of medical ethics and medicine itself is upon us. They will discuss ways to maintain a healthy immune system and how to fight back against unlawful mandates. The truth about medical malpractice, remdesivir injury, ventilator injury, and vaccine injury will also be a topic of serious discussion, along with medical kidnapping and the unlawful separation of families. Grab a ticket to the SAVE A GENERATION tour, donate, and be a part of the action. The proceeds from the event are intended to help the Liberty Counsel, as they fight courageously for religious freedom and body autonomy rights for parents, employees, and for every man and woman who serves our country. Sources include: