NATO-allied countries exposed for running biological weapons programs in Ukraine
By ethanh // 2022-04-14
Has Germany been conducting secret biological research in Ukraine? According to Gennady Gatilov, Russia's permanent representative at the United Nations office in Geneva, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally is guilty as charged. The German Federal Foreign Office and the German Armed Forces, Gatilov said, funded the projects. Project collaborators include the German Tropical Institute and the Friedrich Löffler Institute for Animal Health, documents further showed. At the recent plenary session of the Disarmament Conference, Gatilov demanded that an investigation ensue to get to the bottom of what has allegedly been going in Ukraine. He added that the United States is also involved, along with Georgia and Great Britain. It would seem, based on the available evidence, that NATO-allied countries have been outsourcing their biological weapons research to Ukraine. This secretive setup helped to keep it all hidden from the public. The Ministry of Health in Ukraine cooperated with the German Institute for Tropical Medicine to conduct ethnic-focused research on Slavs. Blood samples were collected and sent to the biolabs for research purposes. German specialists regularly visited hospitals throughout Ukraine, including in the capital city of Kyiv. Other cities on the list include Kharkov, Odessa and Lemberg, where German researchers personally familiarized themselves with how various bioweapons traveled throughout the local population. It turns out that all of these cities also just so happen to have Pentagon-run bioweapons laboratories located within their borders, which ties the whole thing together as a NATO scheme.

Pentagon-funded bioweapons research camouflages plandemics as natural outbreaks

The Biden crime family is of course linked to the operation. Hunter Biden specifically is said to have played a central role in funding bioweapons research carried out by the likes of CH2M Hill, Black and Veach and Metabiota. More than 30 laboratories throughout Ukraine – and many more outside Ukraine – were used to develop bioweapons that were then disguised as "natural outbreaks," even though they were engineered plandemics. Evidence is mounting to suggest that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) may have been tampered with at these same laboratories, where gain-of-function and other gene-splicing techniques were used to genetically engineer new viruses and other pathogens. In addition to coronaviruses, the biolabs handled highly pathogenic influenza H5N1 and pathogens for hemorrhagic fever. Six virus families and three types of pathogenic bacteria have all been isolated at these facilities and made to spread rapidly from animals to humans. According to Gatilov, some of the bioweapons research involved custom-tailoring disease to target certain ethnic groups. Thousands of blood samples collected from Slavic patients were sent to the Walter Reed Army Research Institute for just this purpose, but under the false premise of testing drugs to treat and prevent coronavirus infections. "For good money, Ukraine allowed the United States to turn its own country into a testing ground for extremely dangerous bioweapons research," reported Free West Media. "Gatilov told the United States that this was not 'noble help,' but the cynical use of foreign territory and its people for dangerous research that Washington does not want to conduct on its own soil." None of this complies with the Biological Weapons Convention, which prohibits this type of activity. Even so, the U.S., Germany and other NATO countries have been doing it in Ukraine since at least 2016. Russia has been calling for the rules to be better enforced and for the Convention itself to be strengthened. The U.S. and other Russia-hating NATO actors, however, continue to block these efforts. The big question is: Why? What do the U.S. and NATO have to hide? You will find more stories like this one about the situation in Ukraine at Sources include: