NBC News: US is deliberately releasing phony intel as part of "info war" against Russia
By kevinhughes // 2022-04-14
According to an NBC News report, the United States is telling lies about Russia moving chemical weapons to the border of Ukraine, China giving Russia arms and Russian President Vladimir Putin being misled by his advisors as part of an "info war" against Russia. The NBC News headline read: "In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn't rock-solid." The attention-grabbing statement made headlines around the world and U.S. officials said they had signs indicating Russia might be preparing to use chemical agents in Ukraine. President Joe Biden announced it later publicly. Nevertheless, three U.S. officials told NBC News this past week that there is no proof Russia has brought any chemical weapons near Ukraine. They said the U.S. issued the information to hinder Russia from using the banned munitions. And this is just one of a series of examples of the Biden administration using declassified intelligence as part of an information war against Russia. The administration has done so even when the intelligence wasn't rock-solid to keep Putin off-balance according to the officials. Organized by the White House National Security Council, the officials added that the unprecedented intelligence releases have been so common and ample that intelligence agencies had to assign more staff members to work on the declassification process, cleaning the information so it wouldn't betray sources and methods. The U.S. had also lied about weapons of mass destruction, former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein working with Al-Qaeda and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gassing his own people. And on the same mark, the government also lied about former U.S. President Donald Trump being involved with Russia and the January 6 Capitol Hill incident being called an "insurrection." (Related: Who are the "unindicted co-conspirators" in Jan. 6 protest cases? All signs point to deep state undercover operatives and assets of FBI, intel community.)

Biden administration using intel to warn of probable Russian actions

As the war progressed, the Biden administration employed intelligence to warn of probable Russian actions and draw attention to Russian military flaws. The Biden administration occasionally has issued information in which it has little confidence or about things that are probable rather than truly possible. U.S. officials informed reporters last week that they had intelligence implying Putin is being misinformed by his own advisers, who are scared to tell him the truth. However, when Biden was asked about the revelation later on the same day and after it made headlines around the world, he was less than conclusive. "That's an open question. There's a lot of speculation. But he seems to be — I'm not saying this with a certainty — he seems to be self-isolating," Biden informed reporters. According to Paul Pillar, a retired career U.S. intelligence officer, the degree to which Putin is isolated or relying on faulty information cannot be verified. "There's no way you can prove or disprove that stuff," Pillar said. Two U.S. officials said the intelligence about Putin's inner circle lying to him wasn't definite and this was based more on analysis than hard evidence. Other officials argued that the intelligence was very trustworthy and had been examined at the highest levels. According to a report last week by the New York Times, it was just a psychological operation. Meanwhile, a European official and two U.S. officials stated that the reports claiming Russia had asked China for military help lacked hard evidence. The U.S. officials said there are no signs China is considering supplying weapons to Russia. The Biden administration put that out as a warning for China not to do so, the officials added. The European official pictured the revelation as "a public game to prevent any military support from China." These were all apparent lies and yet mainstream media brought them all out without any hint of doubt. Follow Disinfo News to know more about the misinformation, deception and lies spread by mainstream media and the government. Watch the video below to know why U.S. intelligence officials said the "intel" Biden released on Russia was made up. This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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