Shanghai stripped of food, freedom: Tucker Carlson calls out China for starving people in strict COVID lockdown
By kevinhughes // 2022-04-15
Fox News host Tucker Carlson criticized the Chinese government on Monday, April 11, for starving its own people in the latest Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown of the more than 25 million residents of Shanghai. He said the lockdown has created "the largest prison camp in human history." "The government of China has just completely shut down the city of Shanghai. The lockdown there is by all accounts more brutal and more far-reaching than anything we saw in Wuhan two years ago," Carlson said. Videos have emerged on social media showing citizens and foreigners being locked inside their homes by Chinese police using bicycle locks and padlocks. Carlson recalled that in the 2020 lockdown in Wuhan, doors were sometimes welded closed from the outside to prevent people who tested positive for COVID from leaving their homes. He said that this has caused some people to die of starvation. The Fox News host showed a recent video in which a child was taken alone by van to a COVID "internment camp." The COVID quarantine camps, according to Carlson, occasionally lack water and other basic human necessities for the many individuals isolated in them. Videos also showed Chinese citizens screaming from the skyscrapers of Shanghai because they are starving in their homes. "Has there ever been a clearer picture of what hell is like? Twenty five million people imprisoned in concrete apartment blocks and slowly starving," Carlson said. Based on local reports, stores have already run out of food supplies and carriers cannot keep up with the demand of online orders. A man was seen on video shouting in the street, "What am I supposed to buy? What am I supposed to eat?" (Related: To keep its residents "safe" from covid, Shanghai officials are starving people to death in their homes with new citywide lockdown.) "This is the biggest, richest, most international city of China and people are starving, without medicine and without freedom," reported a Western journalist in Shanghai. Protests have erupted in the streets, with people shouting at the police, "We are starving." The government has tried to control the crowds with on-the-ground officers and patrol drones that announced by loudspeaker: "Control your souls' desire for freedom." Given the size of Shanghai and the huge presence of foreign nationals, the city poses the biggest threat to the dominant Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – especially this year, as China's leader Xi Jinping gets ready for re-election for a third straight term. His re-election became possible when the CCP lifted the present term-limit four years ago. With no limit on the number of terms, the Chinese dictator can now rule indefinitely.

Shanghai's totalitarian COVID-19 lockdown could be arriving in America soon

Carlson warned that Shanghai's totalitarian COVID-19 lockdown could be arriving in America soon. According to Carlson, the cruel lockdown of one of China's biggest cities could serve as a blueprint for despotic leaders in the West on how to keep the population controlled with an iron hand. The restrictions have left Shanghai wavering on the border of civil unrest. Under the stringent lockdowns, residents are not allowed to leave their homes or exercise, and pet owners infected with COVID-19 risk having their pets taken away and killed by health officials. Horrible images and video footage of men in hazmat suits brutally killing cats and dogs have reaped broad anger on Twitter. Apart from beating citizens who refuse to stay indoors, China sent the People's Liberation Army in anticipation of food riots. "We’re just beginning to see the outlines of the repression that COVID has made possible. If you believe in democracy, this is repugnant. Twenty-five million people just lost their most basic human rights. So, the question is, has anyone in the Biden administration, which is constantly lecturing us about democracy and human rights, said anything about this?" Carlson said. "Has the State Department issued an angry denunciation of Xi Jinping? Is the U.S. government threatening sanctions against China for building the world's largest prison camp? Well, of course not." The Fox News host also pointed out that it's not about COVID anymore. While Shanghai did have a COVID crisis, recent experience will show that this was not the way to handle a COVID crisis. "So, from the perspective of China's central government, the problem is not COVID. The problem is Shanghai itself. Shanghai is probably the freest place in China. If you watch carefully, you can see all of this taking shape, and why wouldn’t it be taking shape in this country? If we want to know what the future looks like, you can look at China and shiver," Carlson said. Watch the video below about Shanghai's latest COVID lockdown. This video is from the andamon channel on

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