The lawsuit that Mizelle's ruled on was filed last July by two plaintiffs and the Health Freedom Defense Fund, which is described in the judge's order as a nonprofit organization that "opposes laws and regulations that force individuals to submit to the administration of medical products, procedures and devices against their will." "A judge that follows the law and not make it up for those that hate our country is very refreshing," wrote a commenter in response to a new piece about the ruling. "I'm sure the psychos will be going after her." "You can bet the Biden clown posse is 'judge shopping' as we speak," wrote another. "But let's hope it holds." "And how many patriots got kicked off planes, abused or beaten because they didn't wear the illegal and useless Covid costume the exact way they were told to?" asked someone else. Another commenter wrote that now is the time for a federal judge to send Tony Fauci and his fellow co-conspirators of the plandemic straight to jail, where they should be forced to do hard labor until their deaths. More related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic can be found at Sources for this article include: CitizenFreePress.comSouthwest Airlines CEO on masks:
"Masks don't add much, if anything." — The First (@TheFirstonTV) December 16, 2021
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