TX Sheriff: Border patrol told me to be ready for ports of entry being overrun, 'we're talking about' deputies in 'riot gear'
By newseditors // 2022-04-20
During a portion of an interview with NBC News aired on Monday’s edition of “NBC Nightly News,” Hidalgo County, TX Sheriff Eddie Guerra (D) urged the Biden administration to reconsider its decision to rescind Title 42 and said that Border Patrol told him to have his officers ready in case ports of entry are overwhelmed and this means “deputies dressed in their riot gear with their shields and their helmets and batons to keep the crowd at bay.” (Article by Ian Hanchett republished from Breitbart.com) NBC News Correspondent Julia Ainsley introduced her interview with Guerra by saying, “Migrants who cross through the Rio Grande Valley come through this bus station in downtown McAllen. And officials here worry that if the numbers get too high, it could overwhelm the bus station, the shelters, leaving people with nowhere to go and sleeping on the street.” She then played a clip of Guerra saying, “We’re asking them to reconsider lifting Title 42.” Ainsley then stated, “Sheriff Eddie Guerra says he’s been told by Border Patrol to have his officers on standby in case the ports of entry are overrun.” Ainsley then played a clip of Guerra saying, “We’re talking about the deputies dressed in their riot gear with their shields and their helmets and batons to keep the crowd at bay.” Read more at: Breitbart.com