Google helping Deep State control narrative by demonetizing all content critical of Ukraine
By jdheyes // 2022-04-25
By now, most people who have followed the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine know that Western governments and media are portraying Moscow as inherently bad for invading and Kyiv as leading "the good guys" in the country's fight for survival. But many also understand how false that narrative is, given that Ukraine's government, led by former comedian Volodymyr Zelensky, is not an 'innocent bystander' and is guilty of many atrocities – pre-war and post-war – itself. Before the war, Ukraine officially and unofficially sanctioned violence and murder against Russian-aligned citizens in the east, including the mistreatment of "gypsies," including the rape and assault of their women. Big Tech has gotten into the act now as well, helping clamp down on reports that expose the Ukrainians for who they really are, as reported by the Organic Prepper, which received a message from Google indicating that any content critical of Ukraine would be demonetized: Dear Publisher, Due to the war in Ukraine, we will pause monetization of content that exploits, dismisses, or condones the war. Please note, we have already been enforcing on claims related to the war in Ukraine when they violated existing policies (for instance, the Dangerous or Derogatory content policy prohibits monetizing content that incites violence or denies tragic events). This update is meant to clarify, and in some cases expand, our publisher guidance as it relates to this conflict. This pause includes, but is not limited to, claims that imply victims are responsible for their own tragedy or similar instances of victim blaming, such as claims that Ukraine is committing genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens. In other words, any reports like this pointing out that Ukraine is equally guilty for this war or that Ukrainian militants or regular armed forces have also committed atrocities won't be monetized as "punishment" for speaking the truth that the gatekeepers at Google don't want to be told, for some reason. Obviously, not all Ukrainians are bad people nor are all Ukrainian forces committing atrocities. By the same token, not all Russians are great people and not all Russian troops have behaved admirably. But that's the point: Media outlets should be able to report both sides of this conflict honestly and accurately, and yet, Google refuses to monetize any truthful content that does so if it falls outside of the above-mentioned parameters. "Also, this letter is as deliberately kept as vague as possible. Say anything that challenges the mainstream media narrative – even if that narrative has turned a 180 – and you're now to be erased from the internet by means of hitting you in the wallet," the Organic Prepper's Aden Tate noted. "Almost every ad network uses Google to serve ads. Not only is Google AdSense impacted by this decision, but nearly every major ad network that exists. The majority of the internet has just been hammered by Google – forced to comply with the mainstream narrative," Tate added. Google knows how pervasive it is, and so do most members of Congress, but the latter refuse to do anything to stop Google's near-monopoly because the Big Tech behemoth is generous with lobbying and campaign dollars. Plus, Google, like all major tech platforms, no doubt has "all the goods" on our precious little lawmakers and knows where all of the corruption lies, where all of the dirty deals have been made and who is implicated in them. So there's no way that Congress as it is currently comprised is going to address this naked censorship. The end result is predictable: More mistrust of the American and Western media and governments as both works to push a singular narrative at the expense of the truth. Our society simply cannot withstand this continuing assault on our institutions. Sources include: