THEORY: Shanghai lockdowns are imposed so the masses will NOT catch mild "XE" variant – because it will HELP natural immunity and END the pandemic
By sdwells // 2022-04-25
There exists plenty of science behind the weakening of variants when it comes to a pandemic entering the endemic phase. "More contagious, less dangerous" is the saying for the weakening of variants as pandemics play themselves out. Omicron was said to have brought a "fresh wave" of SARS-CoV-2 infections, along with some anxiety and false-PCR tests, but never-the-less, more cases. Some call it a casedemic, because there are little-to-no reported deaths, limited hospitalizations, and most people come down with what seems no more "dangerous" than a common head cold. That was sub-variant omicron, which followed sub-variant delta. Omicron was so weak it's actually good to catch because humans build immunity from omicron to ALL things COVID, according to science. That's better immune-boosting-function than any "vaccination" could ever hope to provide, and for MUCH longer. Now comes the "XE" variant. Calling all MSM (fake news mainstream media) – sound the alarms. It's the endemic variant XE! Science has recently proven, through an in-depth study, that natural immunity confers the best protection against COVID now that the sub-variant Omicron is going around, as the virus STILL infected the fully vaccinated, those with 2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Nearly 40,000 employees of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio were participants, offering their complete medical records to ensure accurate data. The "dominant strain" Omicron proved itself to be more of a blessing than a burden, and the pandemic silently entered the endemic phase, even though the medical-industrial complex was not ready to admit it, science was proving otherwise. It was inevitable that other weakened variants would follow Omicron, and viral evolution wouldn't have it any other way. Though these variants may spread faster, they have more trouble evading natural immune responses. This could be the REAL reason that the Communist government in China has 27 million people locked down and starving to death because they don't want them to catch and spread "XE" variant, that could END the pandemic. This requires careful consideration.

CCP wants complete control of its citizens in Shanghai, so the forced starvation-lockdown solved two problems

Operation starvation lockdown is in full effect in Shanghai, as residents leap from tall building windows because they would rather die that way than by starvation. Nobody who knows the truth about the plandemic is worried at all about variant "XE" or the moronic "omicron," but the communist government is making an example of the trapped populace in Shanghai, and it's not a pretty sight. The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) plan is two-fold: Keep the citizens from catching a variant that will make them all immune to all things COVID, or simply scare them into submission using deadly force with the military, propaganda about deadly variants, and all food supply lines cut off and cut out. Either way, complete control is in order to reduce the population by at least 50 percent using deadly vaccines, lockdowns, and dwindling survival supplies, including food. Drones are flying around Shanghai, like a dystopian science-fiction movie, yelling at the trapped peons that they are RESTRICTED from leaving their homes, and will be shot on sight for disobeying. Most Americans don't believe this could happen in the USA, but the government running Washington DC right now, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration, are in "compliance" with CCP-rule-of-law and tyrannical regime tactics that were employed in this country like a litmus test during the first two years of COVID-19. If you ever hear drones in America with loudspeakers telling you to stay in your house or face arrest, you will KNOW that the government wants you dead, either way. Here's a just a sample of what the drones in Shanghai are telling the trapped people: "Control the soul’s desire for freedom and do not open the window to sing. This behavior has the risk of spreading the epidemic." During the first wave of the pandemic in 2020, the CCP enforced the same rigid lockdown measures at "ground zero" in Wuhan saying the same propaganda control mantra, "Control the soul's desire for freedom." Do your own research, and do NOT use Google. Try the search engine Brave BETA and get more truth news and real information. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental Covid mandates intended to kill people at a faster rate than the virus and vaccines combined. Sources include: