Following rash of fires, FBI warns that food plants will be targeted with cyberattacks
By ethanh // 2022-04-26
The American deep state is letting everyone know that more attacks on the domestic food supply are soon to come. Following a wave of arson that saw numerous food processing plants in the United States burn to the ground or get crashed into by planes all at roughly the same time, the FBI's Cyber Division published a notice explaining that the next phase of this engineered takedown involves cyberattacks. "Ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvest seasons, disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain," the FBI announced, suggesting that more false flag operations are on the way. The FBI added that 2021 and early 2022 have already seen ransomware attacks on farming cooperatives and that these attacks could affect the current planting season "by disrupting the supply of seeds and fertilizer." "A significant disruption of grain production could impact the entire food chain, since grain is not only consumed by humans but also used for animal feed," the notice further reads. "In addition, a significant disruption of grain and corn production could impact commodities trading and stocks."

When are Americans going to wake up and take their heads out of the sand?

Nearly two dozen food processing facilities in the U.S. and Canada have already been affected by a "string of fires, plane crashes and explosions," The Western Standard reported. The most recent incidents occurred at two Oregon-based food processing plants, one of them being Azure Standard's joint headquarters and warehouse facilities. Azure Standard is one of the premier organic and non-GMO food suppliers in the country, providing healthy food at affordable prices. It is family-owned and independent, creating further suspicion as to why it was apparently targeted with arson. The other Oregon company affected by this rash of domestic terrorism is Shearer's Foods, which saw its plant targeted with a mysterious "explosion." A Walmart distribution center also burned down, along with numerous other facilities that produce or distribute food across America. All of this is happening, by the way, as the world is being distracted by nonstop propaganda about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It is information overload, and many people are completely unaware that the domestic food supply is even being targeted in this manner. "Food prices are at record highs, and the Rockefeller Foundation just released their timeframe of when a 'massive, immediate food crisis' may begin – they say, 'in the next six months,'" reported Zero Hedge. Since we pretty much know that the FBI cannot be trusted, its announcement about impending cyberattacks probably stems from the agency being directly involved in perpetrating them. There is no definitive proof, just yet, but how else would this federal law enforcement agency know that something is about to happen before it happens while also being powerful (apparently) to stop it? "Everything the FBI says is a lie," wrote one person at the Hedge. "And everything it has is stolen," responded another. Someone else wrote that this all seems coordinated, especially when considering the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping story from a few years back. As you may recall, the FBI appeared complicit in manufacturing that incident and could be manufacturing this one as well. "Biden will get the food inflation he seeks, one way or another," wrote another person, apparently unaware of the fact that Biden is just a puppet – and Barack Hussein Obama appears to be his puppet master. Someone else joked that the FBI is basically telegraphing that it no longer wants to put in the work of burning down America's food facilities and will now simply switch to cyberattacks that require less effort. To keep up with the latest news coverage about the engineered takedown of America's food supply, be sure to check out Sources include: