The Truth About Cancer releases new "Propaganda Exposed!" event, launching May 4th - register here
By ethanh // 2022-04-26
Ty and Charlene Bollinger are launching another truth project called "Propaganda Exposed!" that blows the lid on many of the government and media lies that we have all been told throughout our lives. From May 4-11, 2022, the new eight-part docu-series will be free to watch for anyone who registers for the World Premiere. All you have to do is sign up through this affiliate link (please note this publisher may receive compensation for purchases made through this link, but the series is still free to watch during the World Premiere). Following the success of their "The Truth About Cancer" series, the Bollingers saw a need to highlight other truths that many people have missed due to constant programming and brainwashing, including the truth about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic. For more than two years, the world was told that a virus escaped from bats was circulating, and that the only "cure" was to stay home and get "vaccinated." It turns out that this was a lie. To help expose the fraud and medical fascism that was perpetrated on the masses, the Bollingers brought together more than 20 health and freedom experts, including our own Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. Other prominent names include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., John & Alicia Schneider, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Roger Stone, Dr. Omar Hamada, MD, Angela Stanton-King, Del Bigtree, Karyn Turk, Greg Locke, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Zach Vorhies, Mikki Willis, Kristin Davis, John B. Wells, Dr. Edward Group, Leila Centner, Dr. Bill DeMoss, Robert Scott Bell, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Scott McKay, Leigh Allyn Baker, Sayer Ji, Landon and Robby Starbuck, G. Edward Griffin, Dr. Alan Keyes, David Avocado Wolfe, Krystal Tini, Mel K., Jim Moody, Dr. Carrie Madej, DO, Dr. Daniel Nuzum, Sen. Mark Pody, Cherie Calbom, Dr. Patrick Quillin, Lourdes and Chris LaVoy, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, Dr. Terry Harmon, Gary Humble, Jeffrey Smith, Dr. Matthias Rath, MD, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, MD, Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat, MD, Dr. Irvin Sahni, MD, Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, PhD, and Jason Shurka. A promotional video for the series can be viewed through the affiliate link.

Don't miss "Propaganda Exposed!" for FREE from May 4-11

Episode 1 of the "Propaganda Exposed!" series will dive deep into the history of pervasive propaganda in our country, which did not start with Tony Fauci. It goes all the way back to the days of the Founding Fathers, it turns out. Episode 2 will cover the war on cannabis and other natural cures, fraudulent germ therapy, and medical experiments involving AIDS and other diseases. Episode 3 is all about how fear has been weaponized and used to mandate compliance with tyranny. It also covers vaccine adverse events and government coverups. Episode 4 discusses eugenics and medical apartheid, including top-secret programs that target certain races and ethnic groups with weaponized "medicine." Episode 5 is called "Big 'Pharma-cide,'" and it deals with government coercion, fraud at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and natural immunity. Episode 6 links forced medicine to the central banking cartel, including the fraudulent Federal Reserve. It also discusses fluoridated water and other examples of scientific fraud. Episode 7 is all about the modern-day robber barons that are peddling cancer-causing vaccines and other drugs for profit. It also deals with issues such as depopulation and the GMO (genetically modified organisms) and geoengineering genocide currently taking place. Finally, Episode 8 talks all about how to defeat the deceit and triumph over victory, including how to overcome the "Great Reset" and global surveillance initiatives. Check out the "Propaganda Exposed!" website to learn more about the series and be sure to sign up for it! More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: