Libtards freak after Elon Musk buys Twitter, claim they will leave platform in droves
By jdheyes // 2022-04-27
A tidal wave of left-wing figures and personalities beclowned themselves online Monday following news that Tesla, SpaceX and Starlink billionaire founder Elon Musk managed to buy out big tech behemoth Twitter, the world's second-largest platform. For years, conservatives who post content have been throttled, shadow-banned and kicked off the platform because it was being run by anti-free speech Marxists triggered by anyone who disagrees with them and refuses to accept leftist groupthink without questioning. Now, however, their iron grip on the platform will be loosened by Musk, who has pledged to turn Twitter back into the virtual townhall it was designed to be: Not a place for illegal threats and calls for violence, but a legitimate virtual forum where all views and ideas can be shared without fear of being canceled. And it is instructive that left-wing figures are the ones who have the biggest problem with that concept, as evidenced by their meltdowns and threats to leave the platform (like many of them threatened to leave the U.S. for Canada after Donald Trump won the presidency -- but they didn't), as "leaving Twitter" trended in the hours after the sale was announced. Charles Blow,  a racist columnist for The New York Times who has described supporters of President Donald Trump as “angry white men" (including, we suppose, Trump's legions of female supporters and Americans of color) said he would “say goodbye” to the platform if Musk takes control. "Looks like I’m about to say goodbye to Twitter as well. I’ve been pulling back a bit from social media anyway. This will be just the push I need to go all the way on this app," he wrote. “I will not stay on Twitter if Elon Musk owns it,” added former New York Times editorial board member Mira Kamdar. Meanwhile, historian James Fell said he would leave if Musk un-bans Trump from the platform, who was banned by Twitter and other social media companies while he was still President over the lie that he 'incited an insurrection' at the U.S. Capitol Building. Race hustler Shaun King suggested South African-born Musk’s move to buy the platform was all about “white power.” “At its root, [Elon Musk] wanting to purchase Twitter is not about left vs right,” he wrote. “It’s about white power.” “The man was raised in Apartheid by a white nationalist,” King continued. “He’s upset that Twitter won’t allow white nationalists to target/harass people. That’s his definition of free speech.” “Elon Musk has openly called himself a ‘free speech absolutist’ and said that he wants to create a space where anything can be said about anyone,” the activist claimed. “That’s why white nationalists are giddy today. Here on Twitter and other platforms that I track daily. It’s dangerous.” “And listen, I don’t even like the Democratic Party,” he added. “So for me, this isn’t about left vs right. Not at all. It’s about how the richest man in the world, a son of Apartheid, raised by a white nationalist, wants to be sure his speech, and that of other white men, isn’t censored.” When leftists can't have a monopoly on speech and thought, they lash out because while they claim to be 'defending democracy,' they're really just tyrants at heart. Sources include: