Brannon Howse: US military under Biden is prioritizing WOKENESS over READINESS – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2022-04-27
Brannon Howse of the "World View Report" pointed out that under the Biden administration, the U.S. military is prioritizing wokeness in all its branches. He warned on the April 25 edition of his Brighteon.TV program that such a move will compromise America's readiness against attacks by its enemies. He quoted a news report by the Washington Free Beacon about the "Airmen's Time" initiative in the U.S. Air Force. According to a memo obtained by the conservative news website, the initiative was created to advance "the well-being and development" of airmen. Under the program, recruits have a "safe space" wherein they can "[partake in] healthy conversation [and] share perspectives." "The intent of Airmen's Time is to create a safe space, be present and ensure that our Air Force culture invites healthy conversation for every airman anytime, anywhere," said the memo, which was originally sent to command teams and supervisors. It also called on airmen to "share perspectives and life lessons [and] discuss what values guide us or what is our team's purpose." According to the Free Beacon, Airmen's Time appears to have already been incorporated into the Air Force's schedule and training programs. The eight-and-a-half-week basic training schedule is also included in Airmen's Time, alongside more traditional activities such as physical training and flight drills. (Related: REPORT: The U.S. Navy can no longer defend America because it's too focused on being "woke.") The Department of Defense refused to comment on the Airmen's Time memo when asked by the Free Beacon. Meanwhile, Air Force Chief Master Sergeant JoAnne Bass said the program "certainly isn't new [as] many units have been doing it for years." Bass, who penned the memo, added that her document "is meant as a call to action for our leaders to ensure we are devoting the time needed to help deliberately develop our airmen."

Wokeness training does more harm than good

"If these airmen don't know their purpose yet – which is to defend the nation against enemies, foreign and domestic – do they really need to be in the Air Force? Quoting the Free Beacon's article, the program is part of an effort by the U.S. military under the Biden regime to change the culture of the military," Howse said. "Of course, communists love to destroy the culture of America. That's exactly what Herbert Marcuse, one of the founders of the Frankfurt School, said. 'What we're going to do is to attack the existing morality of the culture.'" Howse also questioned the choice to prioritize respecting the opinions and views of America's enemies instead of being prepared for any potential attacks. He asked: "Understanding each other and valuing differences is more important than preparing to go up against the Russians, the Chinese [and] the Iranians? Is our military being prepared to understand the war strategies of the Russians, the Chinese [and] the Iranians? What's wrong with [their] world view? Are [military members] being trained to understand [and] value them [and] their differing opinions rather than fight them?' The Airmen's Time initiative has its fair share of critics, with James Carafano of the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation among them. Carafano, an Army veteran, told the Free Beacon: "[I've] never seen any analysis from the Pentagon which demonstrably proves the training has value that improves the readiness and capabilities of the armed forces." According to Carafano, the federal government under President Joe Biden is "spending millions of dollars on programs that somebody just thinks is a good idea." He continued: "At the same time, we are taking service members away from their regular duties. This appears to be an initiative that is compromising on readiness for no commensurate benefit and indeed may risk hurting morale, unit cohesion, and individual performance." "The Army, according to the Free Beacon's report, has mandated soldiers go through training on gender identity and pronouns. Republicans in Congress and some in the military have criticized these initiatives for pushing woke propaganda within the service," said Howse. Howse also noted that those inside the military who spoke against the gender identity training found themselves "disciplined and even relieved of their duties." has more stories about woke propaganda in the different military branches. Watch the full April 25 episode of "World View Report" below. Tune in to "World View Report" with Brannon Howse from Monday to Saturday at 9-9:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. This video is from the BrighteonTV channel on

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