US weapons sent to Ukraine appear to be disappearing into "big black hole," intelligence official warns
By jdheyes // 2022-04-27
It's bad enough that the Biden regime and Congress have entered into a proxy war with Russia that voters did not approve and were never consulted about, but now our government is shipping so many weapons to Ukraine that our own stockpiles are becoming dangerously depleted. Even worse, many of the weapons being sent to Kyiv are somehow disappearing into a black hole of sorts, leading many to suspect that the Ukrainians may be selling them off for hard currency or handing them out to forces that were never authorized to have them. According to a U.S. intelligence official who spoke to CNN last week, the U.S. government only has a precious few ways it can track the massive amounts of anti-tank, anti-aircraft and other armaments that have been sent across the border into Ukraine, "a blind spot that's due in large part to the lack of U.S. boots on the ground in the country – and the easy portability of many of the smaller systems now pouring across the border," the outlet reported. But, CNN said, "it's a conscious risk the Biden administration is willing to take" – again, without our permission. The network added: "In the short term, the U.S. sees the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of equipment to be vital to the Ukrainians' ability to hold off Moscow's invasion. A senior defense official said Tuesday that it is 'certainly the largest recent supply to a partner country in a conflict.' But the risk, both current U.S. officials and defense analysts say, is that in the long term, some of those weapons may wind up in the hands of other militaries and militias that the US did not intend to arm." "We have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero," said one source briefed on U.S. intelligence. "It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time." In the past when the U.S. did stupid things like this, our weapons would end up in the hands of terrorists, who then used them to attack U.S. assets and our allies. Also, recall that this was the mentality behind Barack Obama's reckless "Operation Fast And Furious" – the running of guns from the U.S. to Mexican cartels, some of which were later recovered including one used to kill U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. And regarding the 'boots on the ground' reasoning, that sure sounds like the regime wants badly to put American troops into the Ukraine meat grinder, again, against the will of the American people. In any event, CNN claims that the Biden regime "factored in the risk" that some weapons shipments could eventually wind up in places they are not supposed to be when the decision was made to launch the proxy war against Russia. That said, the regime decided not arming Ukraine was more of a risk, though not one administration official has explained just which of America's vital national security interests are being threatened by Russia's invasion of its western neighbor. And that should have been the very first thing out of Biden's oft-confused mouth when he agreed to begin sending lethal aid to Kyiv. The intelligence sources who spoke to CNN also noted that it is in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's best interests to understate the amount of assistance being provided because it bolsters his plea for more. "It's a war – everything they do and say publicly is designed to help them win the war. Every public statement is an information operation, every interview, every Zelensky appearance broadcast is an information operation," said another source familiar with Western intelligence. "It doesn't mean they're wrong to do it in any way." The U.S. should not be involved in this war in any way, period. Sources include: