New Docu-Series "Propaganda Exposed" launched by the courageous creators of The Truth About Cancer - starts May 4th
By healthranger // 2022-04-28
A bombshell new docu-series entitled, "Propaganda Exposed" is being launched by the creators of The Truth About Cancer. I'm featured in the series, joining dozens of other uncensored truth-telling thought leaders who expose the full truth about media lies, censorship, industry propaganda and the insidious global agenda to control (and exterminate) humanity through coordinated deception. The docu-series begins on May 4th and each daily episode is free to watch. See the trailer and register now at The other people interviewed and featured in this powerful series include: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., John & Alicia Schneider, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Roger Stone, Dr. Omar Hamada, MD, Angela Stanton-King, Del Bigtree, Karyn Turk, Greg Locke, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Zach Vorhies, Mikki Willis, Kristin Davis, John B. Wells, Dr. Edward Group, Leila Centner, Dr. Bill DeMoss, Robert Scott Bell, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Scott McKay, Leigh Allyn Baker, Sayer Ji, Landon and Robby Starbuck, G. Edward Griffin, Dr. Alan Keyes, David Avocado Wolfe, Krystal Tini, Mel K., Jim Moody, Dr. Carrie Madej, DO, Dr. Daniel Nuzum, Sen. Mark Pody, Cherie Calbom, Dr. Patrick Quillin, Lourdes and Chris LaVoy, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, Dr. Terry Harmon, Gary Humble, Jeffrey Smith, Dr. Matthias Rath, MD, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, MD, Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat, MD, Dr. Irvin Sahni, MD, Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, PhD, and Jason Shurka.

Learn shocking truths and help raise money for health freedom

The entire series is free to watch. If you choose to get additional digital downloads, we earn an affiliate commission on those purchases at no additional cost to you. However, I am publicly announcing that all proceeds we earn from this will be donated to health freedom causes that we will publicly name for full transparency. We intend to help financially support a list of health freedom attorneys, publishers, advocates, filmmakers and non-profits (see full list below) by distributing all affiliate funds to them. (We receive nothing.) The reason I'm doing that is because I want you to know how important this docu-series is, and that I am wholeheartedly promoting it without any personal gain. Plus, there are other health freedom publishers and individuals who desperately need funds more badly than we do, as we have been blessed with a thriving business thanks to your support. So we are doing what God intends us to do, which is help financially support others who need these resources to keep fighting for health freedom and human liberty. Register now at and enjoy the entire docu-series starting May 4th.

Like a red pill buffet... Eight powerful days that will blow your mind

For each of the 8 days of the event, you will be able to watch that day's episode at no charge. Here's a preview of the powerful topics covered during each day: EPISODE 1 QUESTION EVERYTHING A Primer on Pervasive Propaganda From the Founding Fathers to Flexner to Fauci EPISODE 2 SOME WARS AREN’T MEANT TO BE WON Cancer & Cannabis | Germ Hunters | Medical Experiments PCR * HIV * AIDS * AZT * CIA * HELA * SV40 * 9/11 EPISODE 3 WEAPONIZING FEAR & MANDATING COMPLIANCE Vaccine Adverse Events & CDC Coverups Practitioner Persecution * Intellectual Idiocy * Political Poppycock EPISODE 4 EUGENICS & MEDICAL APARTHEID Race-Specific “Top Secret” Vaccines Man-made Viruses & Putting Profits over People EPISODE 5 BIG “PHARMA-CIDE” Government Coercion & CDC Fraud Pfizer Prevarications & Natural Immunity EPISODE 6 FORCED MEDICINE & THE BANKING CARTEL The Federal Reserve | Fluoride Facts | Scientific Fraud Collectivism * Covid Bigotry * Vaccine Prejudice EPISODE 7 MODERN DAY ROBBER BARONS Cancer-Causing Vaccines & Depopulation GMO * Genocide * Geoengineering EPISODE 8 DEFEATING DECEIT & TRIUMPHING OVER TYRANNY The Great Reset * Global Surveillance * Track & Trace PATRIOTS THIS IS OUR 1776 * SPOILER ALERT: WE WIN! Register now to watch all the episodes at

Who we are donating funds to

We will be donating 100% of all affiliate funds from this event to health freedom causes. This list will be expanded, but right off the top of my head, we intend to donate funds to: Banners4Freedom, Andy Wakefield's film production company (Seventh Chakra Films, I think), Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Sayer Ji's health freedom non-profit, attorney Thomas Renz and his group of health freedom attorneys, the Daily Expose (UK) website (which needs help with funding), and other worthy causes that come to mind. This means you can support the filmmakers and support the health freedom movement by watching this docu-series and taking advantage of the digital downloads that are offered for a fee. It's optional, of course, but know that if you choose to support these efforts, all the funds are going to pro-health freedom causes to keep up this David vs. Goliath fight against Big Pharma and the global extermination machine. Get started now at and mark your calendar for May 4th to begin watching the full docu-series (a new episode is available each day starting May 4th). Thank you for your support, and please share this message with others who may benefit. - Mike Adams, founder of and