Joe Biden failed to report millions in income on government transparency reports: Where did the money come from?
By jdheyes // 2022-04-29
If our governing systems were still functional, the makeup of Congress would be a lot different. Lawmakers and officials who work on the taxpayer's dime would be far less corrupt and far more responsive to we the people. Take the Justice Department, for instance: It is a lie every time the attorney general says the department is "independent" and not beholden in any way to the current administration. The AG is literally appointed by the president; he or she works directly for the head of the Executive Branch. To say that that person is not aligned with or responsive to the whims of the president is a blatant falsehood. As such, who gets investigated and charged with crimes -- and who does not -- is entirely political. And to prove that point, all we need to do is look at the current administration. To be honest, Joe Biden should never have been 'elected' president. He's corrupt, his son is dirty, his entire family is dirty, and most of the 'mainstream' media ignored that in order to allow him to be installed in the White House to deny Donald Trump a well-earned second term. If our country had a functional justice system, these people would have been arrested and charged years ago. Now, another piece of evidence has surfaced to reinforce all of this. According to the UK's Daily Mail:

Joe Biden agreed to pay son Hunter's legal fees for his deal with a Chinese government-controlled company, emails reveal.

The revelation ties the president even closer to Hunter's overseas business dealings – and makes his previous claims that he never discussed them with his son, even less plausible.

Joe was able to pay the bills after earning millions of dollars through his and his wife's companies after he left office as vice president.

Some of the waves of money came from speaking engagements, book deals, and so forth, the paper added. But according to Joe Biden's financial filings, he declared nearly $7 million more in income on his tax returns than he claimed in government transparency filings according to an analysis by the outlet.

And while some of the difference is accounted for by taking into account first lady Jill Biden's salaries and other sums that are not required to be reported, that still leaves some $5.2 million earned by Joe Biden that is not listed in transparency documents.

Where did it come from?

"The 'missing millions' – combined with emails on Hunter's abandoned laptop suggesting Joe would have a 10 percent share in Hunter's blockbuster deal with the Chinese – raise a troubling question: Did Joe Biden receive money from the foreign venture?" noted in its report.

The evidence is damning.

For instance, in January 2019 Hunter Biden's assistant, Katie Dodge, noted in an email to Linda Shapero, a bookkeeper, as well as Biden aide Richard Ruffner, that Joe Biden agreed to pay his son's bills amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"I spoke with Hunter today regarding his bills. It is my understanding that Hunt's dad will cover these bills in the short-term as Hunter transitions in his career," Dodge wrote, attaching a spreadsheet listing bills totaling $737,130.61. One item on the list mentions $28,000 in legal fees pertaining to the "restructuring" of a Hunter Biden joint venture with the ChiCom-controlled Bank of China. The spreadsheet listed the bill as "Faegre Baker Daniels: BHR Restructuring" costing $28,382, noting further that it was due "ASAP." "BHR ('Bohai Harvest RST') is a private equity firm and one of Hunter's two major Chinese business ventures. The joint venture was co-owned by the state-controlled Bank of China," the Daily Mail reported, adding: "Hunter's personal attorney, George Mesires, is a partner at Faegre Baker Daniels, now called Faegre Drinker." Meanwhile, Hunter Biden has reportedly been under federal investigation for a number of issues (since 2019) including alleged tax fraud and failing to register as a foreign agent, both of which are serious felonies that would result in jail time if he were convicted. This brings us back to our original point: If we had a functional justice system, he would have at least been arrested and charged by now. Sources include: