Author sounds alarm, says ALL Americans should be concerned about Hunter Biden's nefarious business deals
By jdheyes // 2022-05-01
It is obvious to sane, rational, thinking Americans by now that Hunter Biden is not a moral man, and if we had an honest media, many more Americans would realize that. To that point,  Peter Schweizer, author of the book “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” recently told The Epoch Times that there is a very simple way that people can look at Hunter Bidens’ business activities. During the Cold War, he explained, it would have definitely raised "alarm bells" if the families of Presidents Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan were found to have gotten millions of dollars from then-Soviet businessmen with connections to the KGB. “That’s what happened here. All we’re doing is replacing the KGB with the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS). It’s the exact same story and it ought to be setting off the exact alarm bells,” he said, referring to the Chinese Communist government's top intelligence agency. The Epoch Times further explains: Recent attention has been on a damaged laptop that was dropped off at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware in April 2019. The owner of the shop, who said the customer of the laptop never came back to retrieve it, made a copy of the hard drive for former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliano’s lawyer Robert Costello. Ahead of the November 2020 presidential election, the New York Post and Senate committees were among the first to obtain and review emails on the hard drive, revealing how Joe Biden, his brother James, and his son Hunter Biden, were involved in various foreign business ventures, in countries such as Ukraine, Russia, and China. At the time, many media outlets discredited the revelations as “Russian disinformation” and the news was blocked by social media platforms. At the time, the 'mainstream media' ignored The Post's reporting because as propaganda outlets for the Democrat Party, their role was to assist the deep state in stealing the election for Joe Biden. But because he's becoming a liability with his increasing dementia, in recent weeks no less than The New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as CNN, CBS News and others, have all verified that the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop are genuine. “We’re very clear that the Bidens got some $31 million, based on the laptop, from a series of deals that happened beginning when Joe Biden was vice president of the United States. And those deals happened courtesy of four Chinese businessmen,” Schweizer told The Epoch Times, adding that the quartet of businessmen were all linked to the highest levels of the ChiCom government. Schweizer also said that it was odd for the Chinese to want to talk to Hunter Biden in the first place, since he didn't bring anything to the table like a normal investment firm would. “When you look at the cluster of who provided the funds to the Bidens, and the fact that the Bidens did not really provide anything tangible in return, this has all the markings of elite capture and of a Chinese intelligence operation,” he added. In his book, the author reveals that one Chinese businessman, a tycoon named Che Feng, assisted Hunter Biden and his associates with a deal involving a Chinese investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST, or BHR, which netted the first son around $20 million. "Rosemont Seneca Partners, a U.S. investment and advisory firm Hunter Biden co-founded, became one of the shareholders of BHR, which was incorporated in Shanghai in 2013," The Epoch Times reported. "Hunter gained an unpaid board seat on BHR as a result. In October 2019, George Mesires, Hunter Biden’s attorney, issued a statement saying that the younger Biden had decided to resign from his seat on the BHR board of directors," the outlet explained further. The Bidens are corrupt, Hunter Biden is believed to be a major pervert, and both he and his dad have become national security liabilities for every single American, regardless of political affiliation. Joe Biden must be impeached and convicted and his son arrested. Sources include: